Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Duloc City, is property of Thethinkerkoala.

Duloc Sity
None, probably Shrek-related or sumfin
Duloc denizens VS Shrek and Giuseppe Travonni
East Orinion, Multiverse Federation
Modes (Console Only; PC can play any map in any mode)
Console Codename (PC)
Singleplayer Map
Dulok map
"Welcome to Duloc! Have a good one."
— Duloc's guard

Duloc City is a city on Orinion, ruled by Lord Maximus Ferdo Farquaad. It is also the place where Shooky and Lord Farquaad formed an alliance. Furthermore, it is the place where Shrek and Giuseppe Travonni fought Farquaad's knights and won, forming a deal.

Despite Farquaad's ruling, the overall leader of the town is still Azazel, Orinion's master.


The citizens of Duloc City live under a strict, communist dictatorship, commanded by Lordie Farquaad, who spends his existence trying to make the city and its surrounding territory perfect with royalty, with symmetrical planning and changing rules for the townspeople to follow and no fairytale creatures are allowed! NONE! NIENTE! NICHTEN! NIŠTA!!! He further plans to transform it into a kingdom by marrying Princess Fiona, as he alone ain't royalty, but he ultimately fails after she was eaten by a large dragen.

Duloc is situated on the edge of a giant cornfield, surrounded by high walls, like ones Frank Kenson wants, and is accessible via turnstiles at the entrance parking lot. Beyond the gates, there are many uniformed Germanic-styled white houses with blue accents but looks like a village, and many shops with pink flowers and thin green trees. One gift shop sells nothing but souvenirs with Lord Farquaad's likeness and figures.

Towering over the city is the Duloc castle in the middle, where Farquaad lives, but other notable buildings include the cathedral and courtyard plus the arena. Prior to Farquaad's plan to become a king, a large number of magical creatures used to live in Duloc together with the normal townsfolk, however, they were ultimately banished to Shrek's Swamp, much to Shrek's dismay.

Known residents[]

  • Lord Farquaad
  • Holmes
  • Sherlock
  • Magic Mirrer
  • Gingy
  • Three blind mice
  • Collin
  • Bigby Wolf
  • Prince Charlie
  • Fairy Godmother
  • Farquaad's knights plus army (probly')
  • Duloc's mascot
  • Robin Hood

Known rulers[]

  • Main criminal faction: None, probably Hood's clan
  • Ruler: Farquaad
  • Chief of the knights: Holmes


  • It seems like Duloc invented Facebook.

