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This article, Drakesword, is property of Billy cougar.

Daegon with Drakes

45% health

Magazine Size

It's a very powerful sword

Starting Ammunition


Maximum Ammunition


Reload Time

No need to

Used by

Steven, Daegon

"Steven: You killed them over the prize?! Daegon: With the very weapons father gave us as two Jews against place. And now I will use them to destroy you. Fight!"
— Daegon claims he will finish off Steven with the Drakeswords

The Drakesword is a powerful, merciless weapon used by Steven and Daegon in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon: Konquest.

Though it is not one of the swords left behind for him by his father Argus, Steven wields it throughout the game even in his battle against Daegon. It should be noted that the original Drakesword left behind for Steven was taken by Daegon, who uses both his and his brother's Drakesword like a boss that he is.

When Steven came to Arctica in 2011, he uses his Drakesword to fight off a small group of Lin Kuei Clan warriors of ass.

Steven even used this sword to defeat Daegon and left to defeat Blaze at the top of the Pyramid of Argus.

