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Disco Bear
Disco Beer
Biographical information
Real name Dominic Bearson
Also known as Disco Bear, Discko, Disko, Presley-wannabe, orange bear, yellow bear, Dancing Bear, Rick James, Drisko Bear, The Beer, Officer Bear
Nationality Brazilian flag Brazilian
Born July 25, 1974/36 BH
Died Numerous times, always comes back
Age 46
Status Alive
Birthplace Lewis State Forest, Tennessee, US
Physical description
Eye colour Black
Hair colour Orange
Ethnicity Light brown, almost yellowish fur
Height ?
Weight 135 (62 kg)
Blood type Red
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) HTFPD, the Mole, Sniffles (formerly), Lumpy, Handy
Enemies Happy Tree Friends Mafia, Lifty, Shifty
Occupation(s) Disco owner and dance, police officer
Notable family members Unnamed parents, Pops (possible cousin), Cub (possible godson)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) HTF-related games
Voiced by (English) Peter Herrmann

Disco Bear (real name: Dominic Bearson) is a recurring, but not too recurring, character in the Happy Tree Friends series.

He is a typical disco or nightclub owner from the 1960's to 1980's. He is also an ex-policeman, working for the Happy Tree Friends Police Department and sometimes got head to head with Shifty and his brother Lifty, two thugs working for Lippy De Lupo. Other than that his first two accidental kills in the show were Sniffles, his former crime-fighting partner and Giggles.

Disco Bear opened his first disco or nightclub in the 1990's, even though discos weren't popular as much by then as they were back in the 80's.

He is a bit similar to Disco Stu from The Simpsons. His theme song is Stayin' Alive, although he prefers Super Freak by Rick James as well.
