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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Detective Merrick, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Detective Merrick
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Biographical information
Real name Jason Roger Merrick
Also known as Det. Sgt. Merrick, Mr. Merrick, Jason
Nationality This is Sparta American
Age 37
Status Alive
Physical description
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity White
Height 6'1
Weight 251 lbs
Blood type O+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Las Vegas police department
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Police detective (promoted to Detective Sergeant)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Voiced by (English) John Cena

Detective Merrick is a police detective in Casino who wants The Grand Casino to be shut down. He is the arch nemesis of Rory and Natalia as he also tries to bust them for other crimes, such as drug dealing and gun running.
