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This article, Defense against Biden's Forces, is property of Demon Redwood.


Battles in Afghanistan


War between US and Mehico



Defense against Biden's Forces


22 March - July 21st, 2055


All over Mexico


The gringos win


Mexican Army and their forces

American Army & their forces plus their allies


President Andrés Obrador
General Luis Sandoval
Admiral Jose Rafael Durán

President Joe Biden
Vice President Kamala Harris
General James C. McConville


Over millions

Over billions


Heavy military losses

Heavy military losses, but less heavy than Mexico's

Civilian casualties

A bunch of dead civilians, mostly on Mexico's side

"I declare war on our southern neighbour! War in Outer Space! War on the Nexus! War all over the place!"
— Byden

Biden's Forces attack Mexico is a short war that lasted from 22 of March to 21 of July, 2055 in Mexico which started when Frank Kenson called Biden a "sissy", "phoney", "coward" and claimed he will only bring the United States of America to her knees and that he has no military experience and that he will even sell the US to Mexico once it has fallen apart. He also said the same about many members of Congress such as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Jon Ossoff, Raphael Warnock, AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, among countless others as well as his VP named Kamala Harris. Biden, Harris, and Congress alike, desperate on proving Kenson wrong, attacked Mexico as a result and even managed to conquer it and add it to America's empire.


After Congress declared war on Mexico, President Joe Biden first sent the American Air Force to bomb some towns in Mexico and the result was a tremendous success, reported the Vice Presidente Kamala Harris. They even managed to bomb Mexico's Air Force bases, making them useless in blitzkrieg and they had to resolve to land warfare which lasted for months.

All the while this was happening, songs like One by Metallica, World War III by KMFDM and Evolution by Pearl (not Pear) Jam where played from all radio stations in both countries, even the military equipment radios.


The Admiral of the Mexican Army, Jose Duran ordered his forces to cease fire on July 21 as he saw that their country is doomed. He told the President Andres Manuel Obrador that they need to give up or else the US will bomb them to its and bits! Wiping out their entire country and they'll have the same status as the Native Americans.

Obrador was a smart politician, so he agreed with his Admiral and his cabinet agreed with him and they negotiated peace with President Biden and thusly, Mexico became part of US and was the puppet state of 'Murica, which they now rule supreme.

Ex-President Frank Kenson said he was surprised by this action made by Biden and even complimented him, saying he did something no other president could, but then said that Mexico is a crappy country, not deserving of being a part of US. Biden would have none of that this time and he punched Kenson in the stomach, behind his mansion's gym and Kenson would scram off, but not without cursing and taunting at o' Sleepy Joe.
