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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Deandre Drew Davis, is property of Cod1.

Deandre Drew Davis

An early design for Davis wearing casual clothes.
Biographical information
Also known as Triple D
Nationality 800px-Flag of the United States svg American
Born 15th of June, 1993
Died N/A
Age 25 (now) 16-19 (Weapon Wielders)
Status Alive
Birthplace Rochester, New York, United States of America
Deathplace N/A
Cause of death/incarceration N/A
Physical description
Eye colour Dark brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity African-American
Height 6'0" (183 cm)
Weight 170 lbs (77 kg)
Blood type O+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Shepherd-Dixmor Preparatory School, Army JROTC
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Notable family members Possible brother
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) TBA
Voiced by (English) TBA

Deandre Drew Davis aka Triple D is an original character created by Cod1. He is a supporting character in Weapon Weilders. The new idea will not be a game like Call of Duty. He is from Rochester, a city in the state of New York.

Personality & Traits[]

Deandre is used to hard work and a fast-paced lifestyle, and he’s sure to get things done quickly and efficiently. He does well at his job and is hands-on at work whenever he can be. He enjoys vacations by the Ocean and parties hard. He is the blue oni to Hunter Jones’ red oni.


Davis is usually seen wearing a green polo shirt, tucked into khaki trousers, with a blue belt, and blue tennis shoes.


  • His surname or last name was originally going to be Davidson, but was later changed to Davis.