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This article, Dead, is property of Demon Redwood.

Dead in basement

Dead practicing in basement.

Dead (real name: Per Yngve Ohlin), alternatively also known as Pelle, was a Swedish metal musician with some ties to the occult. He is best known as the lead vocalist and lyricist of the Norwegian black metal band Mayhem, which was banned a couple of times and was deemed one of the most Satanic bands ever by the christian parents of 1980's America during the Satanic Panic. Despite this, most members of the band are either Pagans or atheist, they just seem to prefer the Prince of Darkness over that bearded hippie guy from Nazareth. Dead played in the band from 1988 until his death in 1991, where he blew his brains out with a shotgun in a forest because he was "tired of living" and "wanted to go to a different realm". His suicide note also hints that he was not a fan of communism. He was apparently severely depressed and his band members admitted that he was a strange fella, obsessed with death and everything morbid, hence his name Dead. Speaking of morbid, he used to play in the Swedish metal band called Morbid, but he didn't have much success there so he went to Norway. Roadrunner Records ranked him at number 48 out of 50 of The Greatest Metal Frontmen in Scandinavia of All Time, or so we're told. Pelle also said he was inspired a lot by Metallica.

It should be noted that Dead was actually quite an edgy individual, as he kept hordes of dead birds and crows in his home and bodies of pigs along with a bunch of other chunks of rotten meat, while he also wore shirts with funeral announcements and was one of the first metalheads to use corpse-paint. On one concert, he wore a pig's face as a mask. He would also lock himself up in his bedroom for days without outside contact and harmed his own body, even on stage when he performed. He never contacted any psychiatric help and his band members were not surprised when they heard of his death. Dead was dead.

Dead's house

Dead's house where he would lock himself in.
