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This article, Daniel Croitoru, is property of Cod1.

Daniel Croitoru
Daniel Croitoru
Biographical information
Real name Daniel Bojan Croitoru
Also known as Vampire, Danny, Dan, Bojč the Znojč (Bojan the Sweaty in Slovene), Bojč the Gnojč (Bojan the Sithy in Slovene) (called that by haters)
Nationality Romanian flag Slovenia! 800px-Flag of the United States svg Romanian-Slovenian-American
Born 22nd of October, 1995
Age 22 (now) 14-18 (Weapon Wielders)
Status Alive
Birthplace Newark, New Jersey, United States of America
Physical description
Eye colour Gold
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Caucasian-Slavic
Height 5'7” (170 cm) (14-16), 5’9” (175 cm) (16-18)
Weight 139 lbs (63kg), 148 lbs (67kg)
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Shepherd-Dixmor Preparatory School, Audiovisual Club (Shepherd-Dixmor)
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Student at Shepherd-Dixmor Preparatory School
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Weapon Wielders
Main appearance(s) (Cartoons) Weapon Wielders
Voiced by (English) TBD
"Don’t be shy girl, I don’t bite...much."
— Daniel trying to flirt

Daniel Croitoru is character in Weapon Wielders. Daniel, and Ethan Allen Fernandez are roommates during their freshman year at Shepherd-Dixmor Preparatory School. He was born in Newark, New Jersey, United States of America His mother is Slovenian, and his father is Romanian. He is rumoured to be a Vampire, and a secret admirer of Count Orlok.

Personality & traits[]

Croitoru is smart, and is fluent in English, Slovene, and Romanian and is planning on becoming fluent in German and French. He is good at biology and maths, and helps Ethan get better at it. He is a member of the AV club at Shepherd-Dixmor Preparatory School, and could one day become the club leader. He is interested in radio, so he become a DJ, and a host on the school’s radio station.

Danny is a “night owl”, and will sometimes sneak out after lights out and when everyone is sleeping, even if they are with one eye open. He likes jazz, and rock music. His favourite cartoons are Family Guy, SpongeBob SquarePants, The Simpsons, South Park, Tom and Jerry, Woody Woodpecker, Gravity Falls, and Star vs. the Forces of Evil. He has a crush on Ivy Vega, but it is unknown if Vega will return his feelings.


Daniel has pale skin, gold eyes, and short black hair that is parted, brushed to the side, and to the back. He is skinny, and is 5’7” (170 cm) tall during his freshman, and sophomore years, and 5’9” (175) during his junior and senior years. He wears glasses, and has a collection of suits, and ties. He is almost always seen wearing a suit and tie instead of more casual clothes, one of the few exceptions is during PT since he has to wear the Air Force PT uniform. He is also seen wearing the blue Air Force Junior ROTC service uniform just like all the other Air Force cadets.


  • Daniel commonly says "The Simpstons" instead of The Simpsons, usually by mistake.