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This article, Dan Pister, is property of Billy cougar.

Dirty Dan Pister
Dan Pister 2
Nickname(s) Dan, Pister, Pisty, Piss, Dirty Spongebob
Appears in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition, Red Dead Redemption part I American West
Rank Outlaw
Affiliations Roe's Criminals (former), Winkler's Gang
Status Ded
Birth 1846/166 BH, in southern part of New Mexico
Weapon Double-action Revolver, Reptile Rifle
"Hey, are you lookin' for death, brother!?"
— Pister to an enemy

Dirty Dan Pister is a minor character featured in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition and Red Dead Redemption part I.


Judging by the way he talks, he is from the south and has most likely been a lifelong criminal. He used to ride with Roe's Criminals before their disbandment and then Winkler's Gang.

In 3dn edtion, he was a part of Hestor Frith's gang.



Pister is one of the enemies in the mission "Train", and is killed by Jack Marston. He jumps onto the train from a horse in the last section of the mission along with a bunch of other goons belonging to Hestor's Gang.

Showdown Mode[]

This character is not available in the Showdown Mode, but his page in Edgar Rose's Journal can be unlocked once the player has bought the Bed Roll, which presumably belonged to Pistah'.

American West[]

He is commonly seen in Thief's Town, where he will wander 'round the town or hang around in the Saloon or the brothel + Hotel. He appears in the Thompson Town gang hideout as a gook for Winkler.

Dan can also be seen in a random encounter in West Virginia, running away from Sheriffs. Jhon can either shoot him or save him by shooting the sheriffs, for which he will be grateful.


"I ain't in the mood for jawin'."
— Pister ending a conversation
"Hey, cowbuddy, ya ready for some as-whoopin'? Bruh."
— Dirty Pister during a gunfight
"Your brain gone dust, bro?"
— Pister arguing with Rufus Bollard during "On Shaky's Ground"
"Don't u push yo luck with me, Marston."
— Pister when bumped into
"You spineless snake!"
— Pister when shot
"I'll kill ya! Ya hear meh!? Bro, I'll rip your heart out!"
— Pister in fight
"You're gonna be yellin' like a sick cat when I'm done with ya, bruh!"
— Pister during a fight
"Your mouth smells like a man's BACKside!"
— Pister when insulted
"Shut your mouth!"
— Pister when mocked
"Thanks, mister! Here is some money for your trouble, broh!"
— Pister when saved from the law

In Rap Battle[]

Verse 1[]

Hahahah.... COME ON!!!

Yo Starkey s 'bout to feel the wrath of Dan!

Silly boy, you'll need more than luck!

You've got two ears but can't hear that you suck!

I ride a Texan hoard, yo' army is weak!

What? You goin' to attack me with a posse of peeps?

I'll bite off your arms and punch your teeth down your throat!

Then butcher yo' family and make a new human coat!

Verse 2[]

(Punches eggs away)

From California to Virginia, I fuaked up the land!

Now I got friends and dudes from New York to Japan.

Ha, "God's Gift" my as, you're not in the Buybull!

You're a fluffy biatch mascot for Hallmark in denial!


After Jack Marston would kill a drunken Zebedee Nash after coming out of the Brimstone Saloon, Pister would be hot on his tail on a horse to avenge Nash's death, but he fails when he's beat to the draw.


  • His rapping background were brown & black stars and his opponent was a kid from Ohio, Jimmy Starkey.
  • He has a coin tucked into the band of his hat.

