Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Daffy Duck, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Daffy Duck
Daffy Duck
Biographical information
Real name Daffy Duck
Nationality 800px-Flag of the United States svg American
Physical description
Eye colour Black
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Black duck
Height 2'5" (74 cm)
Weight 31 lbs (14 kg)
Blood type B+
Gender Gender
Career, affiliations and family information
Enemies Batest Mob, Timothy Franklin
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information

Daffy Duck is a black duck with a white “collar” from Looney Tunes. He is on and off friends with the infamous Bugs Bunny (Big Chungus at his full power) and is a member of the Anti-Barney Bunch. He also fights martians with Porky Pig as his sidekick and was once hired as a detective to spy on Batest Mob, ran by Jack the Puss. Whenever he's doing that and this, he calls himself “Duck Dodgers” though he doesn't when he’s with the Anti-Barney Bunch. His two most famous catchphrases are “You’re despicable!” and “Woo hoo woo hoo woo hoo!” KGBSpetsnaz thinks he's both hilarious and underrated AF and would REALLY like to see him win against Bugs Bunny for once!

He speaks in a similar manner as Donato Stracci, saying S as Sh, has a bit of a lisp and spits when talking.

Daffy is indeed underrated on the show and always gets outsmarted by Bugs, who Warner Bros. represent as some sort of genius compared to Daffy in numerous episodes. (For example, Daffy doesn't know that a triangle has 3 sides.)

Book and Street Smarts[]

  • Book Smarts: 95 (average; able to outfox Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig and Marvin the Martian on numerous occasions. However, he’s always outfoxed by Bugs Bunny)
  • Street Smarts: 86 (lower than average; he’s overall pretty prone to be taken advantage of)