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This article, Cuneo Mansion, is property of Billy cougar.

Cuneo Mansion
Cuneo mansion
The Godfather Games
Charlie, cops VS Cuneos
Old Town, France City, Europe
Modes (Console Only; PC can play any map in any mode)
Singleplayer, Multiplayer
Console Codename (PC)
Cuneo's Fortress
Singleplayer Map
In Old Town

The Cuneo Mansion (also known as The Fortress) was built by the same company who built the The Carnegie Club, and they could be seen to physically resemble each other. However, the Cuneo Mansion was known to be considerably better defended, with a quick escape route to the railway tracks where they held several secret shipments. It also helped them begin an operation down the raillines in Marseille.

In 2011, the mansion came under attack from the Corleone Family, who later managed to secure it as a safe house, crippling the Cuneo family power inside the city. At this time, it was known to be undergoing a remodelling and a third building and garden were added to the mansion by 2012.
