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This article, Crazy Horse, is property of Billy cougar.

Crazy Horse
Crazy Horse 2
Biographical information
Real name Angelo Granalli
Also known as Horse, Crazy horsey, Krazy Horze, Angel, Granalli, Whorz
Nationality This is Sparta American (Italian ancestry)
Age 30
Status Deceased
Birthplace Old Town, France City, France
Cause of death/incarceration Shot by Francesco Manetti
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 5'10
Weight 72kg
Blood type A-
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Corleone Family, Charlie Trapani, Rocco Lamp (former)
Enemies Tattaglia Family, Silver Spoon, Oscar Zavarelle, Leo Grossi, Stracci Family, Francesco Manetti
Occupation(s) Corleone assassin, drug dealer
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather Game
Voiced by (English) Scott McNeill

Angelo "Crazy Horse" Granalli was a Corleone associate who worked with Rocco Lamp and Charlie Trapani in 2010 and 2011.


Granalli was born in a rough Old Town neighbourhood to Alberto Granalli, a construction worker, and Lucia Granalli, an art designer. Horse was raised a devout Roman Catholic, and made the Holy Cross Church in Old Town his place of hanging out. Crazy Horse befriended Michael Corleone in Catholic school and he was an associate of Corleone Family in 2010 following the murder of Oscar Zavarelle, who had sexually assaulted his sister, and who was an explosives shop operator. He also plotted out the murders of Plinto Ottaviano, Leo Grossi, and Jackson Fontana which destroyed the shop chain and weakened the Straccis. It was around this time that Crazy Horse made his safehouse in New Town his home with his wife Antoinetta, and worked for Pete Clemenza.


Angelo plotted the death of Salvatore Stracci but could not assist personally because he was assigned to do some jobs against the Straccis in New Town, while Stracci's hit was in Old Town Industrial Park. Horse ceased his war with the Straccis after Stracci Mansion's take over in 2011 and worked instead with narcotics distribution business. Angelo rightly suspected that he was going to be murdered when he walked to the Church Memorial in New Town, but he decided to go there anyway, just in case. Horse met with the drug dealers from Tattaglia Family Silver Spoon and Francesco Manetti at the church. Spoon tried to calm Manetti down about the fact that Crazy Horse was a Corleone, saying they should stick to the deal, but Manetti gave no attention to her. Manetti shot Angelo twice in the head: once in the forehead and once in the left eye, killing him. Spoon and Manetti soon had to flee the crime scene, and succeeded, causing them to not be affiliated with Horse's death.

Endless suffering[]

Right when Crazy Horse died, his dumb xistian butt found out that his religion was indeed false one and that Lord Shinnek is the one true god. For that time that was. Today Lord Azazeru rules supreme and even he has Crazy Horse tortured forever and ever in the Never Never Land, under the eye of her guardian, former boss, Shinnok.


