This article, Corporal Misty, is property of KGBSpetsnaz. |

Corporal Misty without her guns for the time being, that is.
Corporal Misty (born either 1993, 1994, or 1995) is a mysterious female American military personnel. She has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, is about 5’8, weighs around 126 lbs, and wears a camo and kevlar-based crop top, bottoms, and knee high boots. She appears in an unknown Call of Duty game and her full name is uncertain at the moment. She was also born and raised in a blue collar environment in the urban Midwest or northeast. Her ancestry is also unknown, though most likely either Italian or Slavic. She is also just simply friendly with a blond haired and blue eyed Sargeant named Christian Feltz, and three privates: African-American Private named Benjamin Odell, a Mexican-American private named Manuel Cabrera, and a Native American named Lone Wolf. She is also highly skilled with guns.