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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Corey Evans, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Corey Evans
Corey Evans
Biographical information
Real name Corey Lawrence Evans
Also known as Core, Evan, Asian guy, Hirohito, Mussolini, Asian nationalist
Nationality England flagJapan flag British-Japanese (with American ancestry)
Born 26th of April, 1999
Age 22
Status Alive
Birthplace Kanazava, Japan, Asia
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Asian-Anglo-Saxon
Height 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight 75kg (165 lbs)
Blood type 0
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Williams' Gang, Mr. Pearson, Mr. Hill, Mr. Rickson, Kim Jing Wei
Enemies Peter Kowalski, Brad Shaw, Pinky Gauthier, Constantinos Brakus, Hal Esposito, Bucky Pasteur
Occupation(s) Dixmor Academy, part-time barber apprentice
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully 2
Voiced by (English) ?
Portrayed by ?
"I love America's landscapes and culture, but it's the people I cannot stand, lol. At least this school has some sane people left, other than that this country is going downhill."
— Evans to his fellow gang members on America

Corey Lawrence Evans is yet ANOTHER bully at Dixmor Academy (as if they hadn't had enough already) from the video game, Bully. It is unknown if he is Colton Williams's henchman or not, but they appear to be friends along with the other bullies at the academy. He manipulates people into thinking he is a nice and kind person when in fact, he is as bad, if not worse than Gary Smith and even the Jocks and Greasers are afraid of him. He is about 5'9, 167 lbs, has a mohawk, and always has this mischievous grin on his face that's enough to make anyone want to pop him one! He actually gets along with Mr. Pearson and Mr. Hill.


"Bish - we (Japanese) are the most nationalist nation on the world, so you better believe you ain't never getting a waifu! Smelly, dumb, weaboo scum! Oh, and you're never gonna travel to Japan, no, you're staying here in this Western sithole forever! No offence to my non-Asians in our gang, tho."
— Evans when some weaboo bothers him
"It's grade to have Mr. Pearson and Mr. Hill on our side! Now we can basically do what we want at math and gym. However, there are many teachers on this soon-to-be ours school that do not see things our way... yet. We need to convince Dr. Roberts to put some pressure on them."
— Evans on some of the teachers
"I've started to see that that black kid Brad Shaw is trying to suck up to us and is desperate to get our attention so he could join us. Ha! Like that's ever going to happen."
— Corey on Shaw
"Kowalski thinks he can avoid my orders forever, huh? Well, we'll see about that..."
— Evans on Petey
"Yeah, yeah, thanks."
— Evans when someone compliments him
"I... I'm sorry for-for... what my guys did to you."
— Corey to Kim Jing Wei

Things he has done:

  • Tried to make Peter Kowalski call Beatrice Trudeau ugly and called him a "pussy" for not doing it.
  • Forced a boy to steal something.
  • Tried to make one of the Nerds fall out of his chair.
  • Framed someone for hitting on Lola Lombardi in front of all the greasers.
  • Stole a girl's food.
  • Made fun of people's religions, especially Scientology.
  • Threw spit wads at a boy.
  • Stole a girl's iPad.
  • Caused Pinky Gauthier to trip then said "Looks like you have something to pick up!"
  • Hit a crippled man with a glass water bottle and showed no remorse.
  • Attempted to get everyone in trouble and make them have to retake a test.
  • Called one of the Preppies a f----t.
  • Stole Hal Esposito's iPod and flushed it down the toilet.
  • Almost choked out and killed Constantinos Brakus.
  • Slapped Brad Shaw across the face.
  • Cussed a boy out in Japanese.
  • Told a girl that she didn't deserve to be Asian.
  • Said that Hirohito didn't do anything wrong and that the Axis powers should've won the Second World War, but then quickly said that even if they lost Japan will always be superior to the "American and British cucks". Which could be hilariously ironic since his surname indicates that he could possibly be at least partially American or British.
  • Manipulated Johnny Vincent into attacking Bucky Pasteur as he thought he dated with Lola.
  • Said that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg being electrocuted was “too nice of punishment for them as they were involved in the Manhattan Project” and that they should’ve been tormented for hours on end for what they did to Japan.
  • Said that the Oppenheimers, the Rosenbergs, the Greenglasses, Klaus Fuchs, Richard Feynman, Robert Serber and Edward Teller should’ve all died slow and painful deaths in concentration camps then Mr. Hill said “I couldn’t have put it any better myself, Corey!”

And the worst thing is, Corey never got what he deserved, all thanks to Mr. Hill and Mr. Pearson.
