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This article, Cooper Red, is property of Billy cougar.

Cooper Red
Cooper Reed
Biographical information
Real name Cooper Marilyn Red
Also known as Copper, Red, barrel guy
Nationality Irish-American flag Irish-American
Born 5th of July, 1865
Died 17th of January, 1897
Age 32
Status Deceased
Birthplace Tullamore, Ireland, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian-Celtic
Height 5'9"
Weight 145.5lbs (67 kg)
Blood type A-
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Irish's Gang, Indian Gang (temporarily, only for one scene)
Enemies Jack Marston, the law
Occupation(s) Criminal, drunk
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition, Red Dead Redemption (part I, American West)
Voiced by (English) ?
"Here, eat this!"
— Cooper when in a fight

Cooper Red is a minor character and a bounty target featured in Red Dead Redemption part I, American West and a minor villain character in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition.


Not much is known about Cooper's background, other than that he is an outlaw and that he is rumoured to have been the only survivor of a gunfight with the Cornet Brothers. He survived by taking cover in a wooden barrel.

Cooper is wanted for assault and can be captured or killed depending on the player's choice. He is also a member of Irish's Gang.



Cooper is only encountered in the mission "The Hunt for Dutch van der Linde" after the player duels and kills Hassun and Hopi and runs down the path. He can be seen chatting with Link Huston on the ground and playing with marbles. Nevertheless, he is killed by Jack Marston along with Link after Jack disturbs their favourite game.

Showdown Mode[]

Cooper can be unlocked as a playable character in Showdown Mode by completing the mission "The Hunt for Dutch van der Linde" with a good rating. He can also be unlocked by purchasing the Barrel, however it is not available until the mission "Fort Mercer" by which point the player may have already unlocked Cooper via "The Hunt for Dutch".

His special ability is to lift barrels overhead and throw it towards opponents, knocking them off the ground and he shares some of his quotes with Rufus Bollard, although Cooper uses an Irish accent.

American West[]

Cooper can most often be found around Silver Town, sitting and drinking like the drunkard that he is inside the saloon. He can also be encountered at the Twin Rocks gang hideout, but he will mostly be hostile.


"Here, take this!"
— Cooper during a fight
"I shoot better when I'm drunk!"
— Cooper during a gunfight
"Go to hell, you ain't taking me nowhere!"
— Cooper after being captured
"You gonna burn in hell before night falls!"
— Cooper after being captured
"I told you to untie me!"
— Red when captured
"You ain't gonna get far! I got friends."
— Red when captured
"You think my amigos r' gonna let you take me in?"
— Red when captured
"Whatcha' got there, little boyi?"
— Cooper during a fight

Journal Entry[]

As far as I remember, the first shooting in which Cooper participated was against the Cornet brothers back in the 1870's. Cooper threw himself into an old barrel of apples, and goddarn it if he wasn't the only member of his gang that came out alive.

I have heard that he has convinced other fools to imitate him by throwing themselves into barrels to avoid certain death.


  • "Cooper" is a term used for someone on board a ship who repairs wooden barrels. However, his actual name is Cooper.
  • In the original Red Dead Revolver, he was portrayed by another guy named Cooper who was literally dressed in a barrel. It seems like that a lot of folks named Cooper have some coercions concerning barrels.

