Conquest is my new war game series which is featured in the 22nd century.
The War is based on a fictional war known as the Conflict in the Solar System.
- AFOE (Armed Forces Of Earth)
- AFOM (Armed Forces of Mars)
- AFOS (Armed Forces of Saturn)
- Third Degree Army (Uranians, Neptunians and Eridian)
- Captain Brian Phoenix. Alive. Commander of UN Hammersley Navy battle-class ship
- Lieutenant Commander David Flux. Alive. Co-Commander and Navigator of UN Hammersley
- Commander Neutron Radius. KIA. Pilot and Co-Navigator of UN Hammersley. He is the first to be killed in the series. He is killed by multiple gunshot wounds to the torso delivered by a Neptunian.
- Lieutenant Michael Neutral. Alive. Infantry of the Army. Playable character and main protagonist of the series.
- Sergeant First Class Michael West. KIA. Infantry of the Army. Second killed. Killed by a Uranian Impaling him with a sword.
more will come