Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Christina “Tina” Thyme, is property of Cod1.

Christina Thyme
Christina “Tina” Tyme casual1

Concept art of Tina Wearing her casual clothes.

Biographical information
Real name Christina Rose Tyme
Also known as Tina, Space Time Tina, girl on the cool bike
Nationality This is Sparta England flagWelsh flag American-English-Welsh
Born 28th of November, 2103
Age 16-17
Status Alive
Birthplace Plains hill, Montana, United States of America
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight 125 lbs (56kg)
Blood type A-
Gender Female
Career, affiliations and family information
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) High school student, time traveler
Notable family members Tristan Thyme (father), David Thyme (older brother)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Space Time Tina
Voiced by (English) ?
Portrayed by ?

Christina Rose “Tina” Thyme is the titular character and main protagonist of Space Time Tina. She is the daughter of inventor Tristan Thyme.


Tina has fair skin, brown hair that often looks messy from wearing a helmet, is parted in the middle, and goes down to just above her shoulders, light brown eyes, is 5 feet 6 inches (168 cm) tall, and weighs 125 pounds (56 kilograms). two strands of her hair stick out. Her casual outfit consists of blue pedal pusher jeans, Low top black and white Chuck Taylor All Star shoes, and a white t-shirt with a rose on it.

When Tina is riding a motorcycle she will usually wear a black and high viz full face helmet, high viz jacket with CE approved armour in it, black leather trousers with CE approved armour in it, black laceless boots, and black and high viz gloves, sometimes she’ll also wear a black aerodynamic backpack. When she is riding a dirt bike or supermoto she will wear a red armoured hoodie, red and black gloves, and a red and black dirt bike helmet instead. She usually wears red lipstick, her fingernails, and toenails, are painted red. She has a motorcycle shift pattern tattoo on her left ankle.

Personality & traits[]

Tina is a brave, adventurous, strong-willed, intelligent, cool big sister type of girl who likes riding & working on motorcycles. She can also drive a car, and has some experience working on them, but she prefers motorcycles especially classic looking ones, Supermotos, and sport bikes. She mostly listens to country, rockabilly, and alternative rock music. Tina sometimes thinks that she was “born in the wrong era”, and should've been born in the 1950's or the early 1990's in Bullworth, Texas, in Cougar's universe, so she could join a 50's or early 60's greaser gang or Dixmor Academy’s greaser gang.

Tina is also very good at history.
