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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Chimmy, is property of Customimage.

Chimmy and his 3 cups
Chimmy looking at his 3 cups.
Biographical information
Real name Chimmy
Nationality America
Born April 16
Age 27
Status Alive
Birthplace Unknown
Physical description
Eye colour Black
Hair colour White
Ethnicity Puppy
Blood type A
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Tata, RJ, Mang, Cooky, Shooky, Koya, Van
Enemies Barney, Barney Bunch, Tsar Milk III, Koya (former)
Goals To get his harmonica from Barney back
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Puzzle Star BT21
Main appearance(s) (Cartoons) BT21 Universtar Cartoon

Chimmy is a Universtarian politician who was a key figure in the Universtarian revolution. His beloved harmonica was stolen by Koya and the Barney Bunch so Barney, together with Koya, could use it to teach the Barney Bunch how to use the harmonica. However, he was later able to retrieve the harmonica back.

When he was found it in a box, he eventually joined the group lead by communist leader Shooky, and together with him, Mang, Tata, Koya, Cooky, RJ, Van, formed the communist governing group known as Universtars which would oppose Tsar Milk the III. He once met Toga and love her.


  • He likes his harmonica so much Shooky once confiscated it when he was caught playing it during a meeting.
  • Chimmy & Himiko Toga were never married. Only in his head, as he had a crush on her.