Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Chilli, is property of Customimage.

Biographical information
Real name Chilli Chillindson
Also known as Purple cat, The Purple One, Hot Chilli, Chill
Nationality File:French flag.gif French
Born December 24, 1999/1 BH
Age 24
Status Alive
Physical description
Eye colour Black
Hair colour None
Height 70 cm
Blood type A
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Enemies Fat people, rival cats
Notable family members Cabbit (sister)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Cartoons) TRUZ

Chilli has unexpected charms that only those who know Chilli know. Once Chilli makes up his mind, dare not stop this passionate fellow, as he can get super fired up with passion, and stay up all night to finish what needs to be done. He will complete his tasks to a great success. By the way... Please keep in mind: Chilli likes being complimented as 'cool' rather than 'cute'.


Chilli was born in South Korea on 24 December, 1 BH (a day after Columbine) and was always a mean cat, but his humour was even meaner. He once went mad when he saw his owner pet a rival cat and bit his owner on the hand, making them bleed. He also doesn't like fat people, as he can't move properly down the apartment's stairs when there are fatsos walking up and down there.

He hates being seen as feminine, thus he prefers the compliment cool, not cute. He is a rather workaholic of a cat and when he sets his mind to something, there is no stopping him or his antics.

Once he was invited to move to California in the US by his friend, Yochi, who hung out with a bunch of other ppl, well animals and aliens or whatnot, and Chilli felt he was finally in some good company. Using his anger and ego, Chilli was able to band all of them together to form the TRUZ gang.


  • He appears to be named after a Mexican food, which is known for it's heat. Funny enough, Chilli becomes red as an actual chilli when he gets angry, so it's a fitting name.

