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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Chaz Finster, is property of Demon Redwood.

This article, Chaz Finster, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Chaz Finster
Biographical information
Real name Chazzer Robert Jan Frank Finster
Also known as Mr. Chaz, Finister, Finster, orange hair, Ginger German, four-eyes, Chuckie's daddio, Cucky's dad, Chazzer, Pig that doesn't fly Straight, Daddy
Nationality German-American American-German
Born 7 June, 1972/28 BH
Age 51
Status Alive
Birthplace Hartford, Connecticut, US
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Orange/red
Ethnicity Caucasian-Germanic
Height 5'5"
Weight 136 lbs (62 kg)
Blood type B+
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Stu Pickles, Carol Pickles, Charlotte, Thomas Pickles, Sebastjan Pickles (formerly), Barney Bunch, Ronald McDonald
Enemies Coco, Dexter Fexter, George Slim
Occupation(s) Coffee shop employee/proprietor
Notable family members Kirma Finster (wife), Chuckie Finster (son), Marilyn Finster (father), Kimi Finster (adopted daughter)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Probably some Rugrats-related BS
Main appearance(s) (Cartoons) Rugrats series and films
Voiced by (English) Michael Bell
"Oh, Chuckie! You'll always be my little hero!"
— Chaz when he comes home from work

Chaz Finster is a German-American coffee seller working for Java, from Hartford, Connecticut who appears on Rugrats. He has no relationship to Sebastjan Pickles and Stu Pickles nor the rest of the Pickles clan as they're 100% Polish and he's 100% German. Believe that. He's just a friend of theirs as the two families get along, or at least they did until Sebstjan stole Chaz's car, but the same couldn't be be said about their uh, kids. He has a son named Chuckie, one of the show's main heroes, who is good friends with Tommy and Dil, Sebo's godchildren as well as two French-American kids named Phil and Lil DeVille.

Angelica Pickles, Sebastjan's only daughter on the other hand, likes to torment Chuckie, Phil and Lil much like her little cousins, especially when they're together. Since she is a toddler (almost a teen today) and they're just little babies (well, were during the show's run), they can't do nothing to her. Back to Chaz, much like Sebastjan, he has a mysterious connection to the Barney Bunch and Ronald McDonald. However, it is unknown whether or not he and Sebastjan are connected to the Teletubbies, the Wiggles or the Boohbahs. Despite this connection, Chaz works for Java's coffee shop, not McDonald's.


  • He is a big fan of Pink Floyd's music, although he claims metal nor rock are usually not his genre.
  • His full name is Chazzer, which means a "pig that don't fly straight", basically a very greedy and self-absorbed person, in Yiddish. It is quite possible that his parents did not know the meaning of the term when they named him or just hated him for some reason. Due to the fact that they are never seen on the show and the fact that Chaz claims his mother used to haze him, the latter is actually a possibility.
    • His full name however, is pronounced exactly how it's spelled, not as "Hatsah", as the Yiddish term is.
  • In his private diary it is revealed that Chaz got a crush on Carol Pickles for a week when she first came to town.

