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Charles Murray
Charles Murray
Appears in Weapon Wielders
Rank Colonel
Affiliations United States Air Force, Shepherd-Dixmor preparatory school
Status Alive, retired (U.S. Air Force)
Birth 17th of September, 1955, Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States of America (62 now) (55-59) (Weapon Wielders)
Sex Male
Height 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight 176 lbs (80 kg)
Hair Grey
Eyes Blue
Race Aryan

Colonel Charles Harold Murray is a character in Weapon Wielders. He is the Senior Aerospace Science Instructor of the Air Force Junior ROTC unit at Shepherd-Dixmor preparatory school. Murray is a retired U.S. Air Force officer and pilot who flew B-52, and B-1B bombers.

Personality & traits[]

Murray is one of the nicer teachers on campus. Murray considers the B-52, and B-1B, his favorite airplanes. He looks older than his age possible because of stress from being an officer in the Air Force, a bomber pilot, and possibly from smoking cigarettes, and drinking too much alcohol. He actually created his own homemade drink called Jet Fuel that is 80% alcohol! He hasn’t been seen drunk or drinking at work thought unlike Lionele Galloway.

He is a Baptist Christian.
