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Charles Miller is a playable character in Call of Duty: World at War (2008).


Charles Miller was born August 2, 1922 and was from Knoxville, Tennessee. His father was of English and Scottish descent and his mother was of Welsh descent. He was mute and didn't know how to swim which made all of the other kids pick on him throughout his years in school. Despite his congenital disability, he ran track in high school and eventually joined the US Marine Corps during World War II.

During his time in the USMC, he was under the command of Corporal Benjamin Roebuck and Sargent Tom Sullivan. In 1942, he was captured in Makin Atoll by the Imperial Japanese Army alongside his fellow Marine Private Kevin Pyle. The Japanese insulted his muteness by telling him "You think because you say nothing, you are strong?" and even blew cigarette smoke in his face. They also gave Pyle a good beating and shoved a cigarette in his face, thus burning it. Pyle spit on them and had his throat slit. Right as they were about to kill Miller as well who saw the whole thing happen right in front of him, he was rescued by his squad, including Roebuck and Miller. He grabbed a rifle, kicked butt and took names with his squad.

Miller, Roebuck, and Sullivan fought against the Japanese once again in September of 1944. Only this time, they were with a young recruit named Martin Polonsky. They stormed a beach of Pelileu Island. Right as they thought victory was sealed, a Japanese bonzai attacker killed Sullivan and was subsequently shot by Roebuck. Roebuck was infuriated by what just happened and swore that he would avenge Sullivan. He was even promoted to a sergeant.

Seven months later in May of 1945, Roebuck, Miller and Polonsky partook in the invasion of Okinawa. During the battle, the Japanese soldiers faked a surrender that turned out to be an ambush. Polonsky was killed then Miller, Roebuck and the remaining Marines finished off the Japanese soldiers within the area. After the battle was over, Roebuck handed Miller dog tags belonging to Polonsky.

Miller retired from the USMC in 1946. He returned to the states as a decorated war hero. He never married nor did he have any children or grandchildren. He worked as a groundskeeper at a golf course from 1949 until his retirement in 1992. He died in his sleep on August 9, 2002, a week after his 80th birthday.
