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This article, Cattle Rustlers, is property of Damon Redwood.

Cattle Rustlers
British bois
The rustlers getting ready for a duel.
Leader(s) No one
Appears in Red Dead Garlic bread, Rootin' Tootin', Cowboy Shootin' (possibly), Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition
Country Texas (usually Sand's Grass), West Virginia, United States of America
Active 1887-unknown
Motto "Them cows is ours!"-LSD Roberts

The Cattle Rustlers is a set of playable multiplayer characters, well outlaws, available in the outfitter in Red Dead Garlic breads multiplayer. Most of the character in the group belong to British's Gang or Williamson Gang, two of the biggest cattle rustlin' gangs in Texas. Some of the characters also appeared as villains in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition, albeit they are under the British's gang catalog.

Playable Characters[]

Following is a nice table of Cattle Rustlers which can be chosen as multiplayer karakters in the outfitter, accompanied by their vicious power level.


Character Name Power Level
John Kelly 1
Verner Corn 12
Wayne Daniels 16
Charlie Mash 21
Maurice Sweet 20
Harry Dobbing 36
Irvin Pennick 40
Tudisco Kid 50


  • John Kelly is the only Rustler not to belong in neither British's Gang nor Williamson Gang, he is instead a small-time criminal and some sorta farmer at Ridgewood's. Also, only Wayne Daniels and Tudisco Kid belong to William Williamson's crew while all the other rustlers serve the British twins: Willie and Rufus Bollard. Curiously enuff, LSD Roberts says the motto of the rustlers yet he is not a member, but since Irvin Pennick shares the same outfit there is no need for Roberts.