Globalism is a controversial political system which can be based on social shenanigans, environment or economics. George Soros, a rich Hungarian-Jewish liberal bases his political ideas concerning economics and social justice on globalism, which may or may not include a one-world currency and United Nations tearing down country borders, basically deleting cultures and countries via immigration in favour of a one world government which many people may or may not like. Thusly, he has been called 'The Father of Modern Globalism and the Left'. Greta Thunberg is an environmental globalist. Despite having rather leftist roots, many conservatives and right-wingers also support Globalism, although theirs is usually currency-based rather than being based on social justice problems. Political scientists, such as Joseph Nye and Bill Nye, describe the system as "attempts to understand all the interconnections of the modern world — and with that we can highlight patterns that underlie our knowledge." While primarily associated with world-systems and powerful organisations such as the EU and United Nations, it can be used to describe other global trends. It may also be popular with christian fascism in the Alt-Right, as they want a one-world religion (christianity) as opposed to whatever the dumb conspiracy theorists claim the global elite worships (it's usually Lucifer or Moloch (the cooler one) for some reason).
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