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This article, Carlos Vago, is property of Billy cougar.

Carlos Vago
Nickname(s) Drug guy, Innocent 2, yellow guy
Appears in Manhunt, Manhunt 3 (probably), Scarface: The World is Yours
Rank Gang member, Satanist
Affiliations Innocentz, James Stalker, Shinnok, Rico, Skullzy
Status Alive
Birth 21 March, 1989/11 BH, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, North America
Death No death yet
Weapon Sickle, Commando Knife, Cyclops Pistol, Nail Bat
"Ehhh, gonna make him BLEED!"
— Vago about Cash

Carlos Vago is a member of the Innocentz gang (Skullzy set) and a minor villain character in film Sudden Violence, Manhunt series, and Scarface: The World is Yours.


He is a Shinnoknist but not such a serious druggie, although he uses drugs nonetheless like the rest of his scummy friends. He has a red skull make-up and wears a torn apart hoodie. He is in the Skullzy gang set due to his appearance and not so much perverted nature, unlike the Babyfaces, who are all about raping and porn. He has a high voice, and likes to mimic animals, he is mentally deranged after all. He kind of looks similar to Adam due to their clothes and facepaints and both spawn as goons many times in games concerning the Innocentz, suggesting they were cloned by Shinnok or some other dark deity. His weapons of choice are a sickle, Commando Knife, Nail Bat and a Cyclops Pistol. One of Vago's most common insults is perro (Spanish for dog), indicating that he dislikes dogs, similar to Pedro.

He, like most other members of the gang, shared a rivalry with the Montana Gang too.

Scarface: Twiy[]

In this game, from 13 AH onward, Carlos and all other Innocentz members are trying to take over Miami from the drug kingpin Tony Montana. Their main turfs are South Town and Downtown. Depending on Tony's religion and stance with the gangs, they may either attack him on side or be peaceful.

After the deaths of Tony and the new leader Frank Carezzo in 16 AH, Innocentz control most of the turf and drug stashes in Miami and have succeeded in taking over all of the territories and even the neighbouring counties.


  • "In college ball, nobody could tackle me without the help of a gun."
  • "Lyfe is like a football, you can't make it without killing a few pigs."
  • "I keep getting these weird headaches now and again. Like a sharp spike or a dull throb, I forgot which."
  • "Eyyy, man, get a grip of yourself, idiota. Look at yourself."
  • "Easy, amigo; Don't throw away your soul."
  • "Sry, man. We can be amigos, you and I."
  • "H-hey, what'dr a-h ever do to you?"
  • "Malditos! Help me!"
  • "Gather buitres, let's peek at his bones."
  • "Ey, if you want to share goodies, you better get over here, carnalez!"
  • "Compadres, bring a shtick! I think I found our little pinata."
  • "This hijo de puta is handful!"
  • "Diablos! Kill this cono de madre!"
  • "El cabron is here some place. I shwear it was him!"
  • "No point in crying over this idiota!"
  • "YOU HEAR THAT, CHICO!??? I see you, amigo! Escucho pinche cabron!"
  • "Cono... shorts riding all over my crack."
  • "No se lo que estoy haciendo aquí."
  • "Diablo; Give me the gringo's eyes tonight."
  • "I got a little present for that BASTARDO!"
  • "Bastardos! Where's the cabron?"
  • "Mierda! He's not here."
  • "Maldito perro!"
  • "(Coughs) I-I don't think you have the guts to finish this, amigo!"
  • "My lungs... (coughs) This gringo... is one tough bastardo!"
  • "I'm gonna teach you lesson in humility, CHICO!"
  • "Imbecile! You know I can hear you."
  • "(Howls like a wolf) Kikiriki-kakaka-cha-cha! Kow, kow, KOW! KOWH! KOWH!! KROOWH!!!"
  • "(Mimics a rooster) Who-who-whom? Hahamuahaha!"
  • "Let me introduce you to a good friend of mine: Master Shinnok."
  • "La cucaracha! La cucaracha! Ahahaahahaha!"
  • "Mmmm... nice boots. I don't think you don't need them no more."
  • "Maricon! Pendejo! You dead already?"
  • "A pretty boy like you should not hide away."
  • "A dog don't deserve the shit I'm gonna bring down on you!"
  • "This sucks... kinda like your sister, eh?"


  • Vago shares some of his quotes with Lil' Ze of the Diaz Gang.

