Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Candace Claire Baker, is property of Cod1.

Candace Claire Baker
Biographical information
Also known as Candy
Nationality 800px-Flag of the United States svg American
Born 12th of April, 1996
Died N/A
Age 23 (now), 14-18 (Heavenly Heroes)
Status Alive
Birthplace Greenwich, Connecticut, United States of America
Deathplace N/A
Cause of death/incarceration N/A
Physical description
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Blonde
Ethnicity Aryan
Height 5'3" (160 cm)
Weight 120 lbs (54.43 kg)
Blood type O+
Gender Female
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Hugamug Cafe, Shepherd-Dixmor preparatory school, Air Force Junior ROTC
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Student, part time baker and chef
Notable family members Robert Ryan Baker (father)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) TBA
Voiced by (English) TBA

Candace Clair "Candy" Baker is an original character created by Cod1. She is a main character in Heavenly Heroes. The new idea will not be a game like Call of Duty. She is from Greenwich, a town in the state of Connecticut.

She is friends with Justin Paul Florio, Adrien Bonnefoy, and Ethan Allen Fernandez. Her, Ethan, and Justin, are the main trio of friends. She attended Shepherd-Dixmor preparatory school, in Sunrise Valley, because her parents, especially her father, believes that attending the school will make her tougher, more disciplined, and better prepared to deal with the real world.


"Candy" is a young women with wavy yellow blonde shoulder length hair, sky blue eyes, and pasty white skin. Her mouth has a cat like "3" shape. She is 5'3" (160 centimeters) tall, and weighs 120 lbs (54.43 kg). She prefers to dress casually, and likes to wear T-shirts, jeans, and Chuck Taylor All-Stars aka Converses, or shorts and flip flops if it's warm enough. She prefers to wear converses or flip flops because she claims that they fit her “narrow feet best”, and she wears D-cup bras.

While attending Shepherd-Dixmor Preparatory school, Baker wears a blue polo shirt, tucked into khaki cuffed shorts with a black belt, black and white low-top converses, pink below ankle socks, and pearl stud earrings. Since she is an Air Force cadet, she is also seen wearing the U.S. Air Force service uniform, and PT uniform. After she gets her weapon, she starts wearing gloves so she can go out in public with her weapon without alarming anyone.


"Candy" is a sweet woman who loves cats, cooking, and baking. She is energetic and friendly. She loves having fun and usually has an optimistic outlook on life. She loves to help others and whenever she sees that someone is upset, she does her best to cheer them up.

Ethan, and Candace, both share a love of milk. She has a major weakness that will be revealed soon. She is an honor student and fairly good at what she does, but her mediocrity complex tends to get in her way. Her favorite hobby is making confections, and she hates black tea.

She is not interested in serving in the armed forces, she is there because her parents felt it would be best for her. She can’t swim, and has a fear of large bodies of water like lakes, and oceans, but someone may teach her how to swim one day


"I'll cook your goose!"
— Candace when fighting
"I doubt anyone will notice your hair in the pasta sauce!"
— Candace when fighting
"I'm gonna hang you to freeze on the meat rack!"
— Candace when fighting
"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."
— Candace while petting her kitten.


  • Candance is one of the characters in the story that is based off people the creator has met in real life.
  • She is an American of English descent.
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