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This article, Camelion Wolf, is property of Billy cougar.

Camelion Wolf
Biographical information
Also known as Camelion Wolf!, Camey, Camelion, Werewolf, Wolf-man, Wolf, Wolfie, Wolfe, Wolff
Nationality Austria flag Austrian
Age 51
Status Deceased
Birthplace Vienna, Austria, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Brown (human) yellow, red (Werewolf)
Hair colour Brown (human), gray (Werewolf)
Ethnicity Caucasian-Germanic
Height 5'11
Weight 73kg
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Bounty hunters, wolves
Enemies The Law (sometimes), Texas Sheriffs (sometimes), Jack Marston
Occupation(s) Bounty hunter, gunslinger
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition, Red Dead Redemption all parts
Voiced by (English) Jason Fuchs
"You're about to get killed by the great Camelion Wolf!"
— Wolf threatening criminal

Camelion Wolf is a minor character featured in Red Dead Redemption all parts and in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition.


Camelion appears to be a bounty hunter and one of most feared man of the West. He can be found in various locations such as Silver Town, Desert Fort, Chuparosa, Casa Madrugada, and Gold Town. He appears to know John Marston from somewhere as he often makes statements suggesting as much. He also seems to be some sorta writer, often mentioning books between rounds of poker, during fist fights, and before the Battle Royale duel. He also transforms into a werewolf at midnight in Tall Trees and preys on other animals and ppl alike.



Camelion can be found walking around the streets of Gold Town or the saloon before the events of the Battle Royale, starting after the mission "Silver's Night Town". He can be talked to and is very confident about his success in the Battle Royale.

Wolf is scheduled to face Jack Marston just before Mr. Kelley. Camelion and Jack duel in the competition. Despite his feardnes, he was killed by Jack during the duel.

Showdown Mode[]

The Handkerchief unlocks Wolf for Showdown Mode, as well as his journal page. His weapon is a Mauser Pistol.

When selected as the second player he doesn't have facial hair.

Garlic Breed[]

Camelion will often challenge Marston to a duel in various locations. He plays poker at various locations in Texas and Mexico as well. And of course at the High Stakes Poker table in Gold Town Hotel. He is also never seen at night, possibly as he becomes a werewolf in Tall Trees and stalks the Creepy Woods.

Undead Nightmare[]

In Undead Nightmare, Camelion only appears in his werewolf form in Tall Trees.


"Wanna play poker with a Wolf?"
— Camelion to Marston
"Marston, good to see you're still breathing."
— Wolf to Marston
"Don't you look fine this day?"
— Camelion to a lady
"Come on then! Best get this over with and kill you good. :)"
— Camelion to John
"This reminds me of the book I wrote about killin' a man."
— Camelion talking about a book he wrote
"(Wolf howl)"
— Camelion after transforming into a werewolf
"Poetry in motion, that's what I am."
— Camelion
"All right, folks, lord and ladies; Hold on to your bricks."
— Wolf while playing poker
"Oh no! No, it's happening again!"
— Camelion before transforming
"My type of justice? Just a quick death!"
— Camelion taunting

In the Rap Battle[]

Verse 1[]

This isn't Gettysburg, punk. I'd suggest retreating.

For I invented rap music when my heart started beating.

Camelion Wolf doesn't battle, he just allows you 2 lose.

My raps will blow your mind like a verbal Adam Bell.

Verse 2[]

I am Camelion fuaking Wolf!

I've spread more blood & gore than 40 score on your puny Civil Wars, biatch!

I split the Union with a roundhouse kick!

I wear a black beard on the beard that I grow on my dik!

I attack sharks while I smell 'em bleed.

I don't go swimming, water just wants to bee around me.

My fists make the speed of light, wish it was faster.

You may have freed the slaves, but Camelion's everyone's master!

Journal Entry[]

Camelion swears he did not do anything that night, but Milord, the bartender, remembers it differently. It seems that the guy was very angry and killed a leader of a gang of criminals, getting bounty money. I do not know if it's true, but for some strange reason he is never seen anywhere at night - some folks say he's a werewolf. I can also say when someone wants to prove himself, there's no way to make him resist.


  • He slightly resembles Chuck Norris by his acting and fearness plus facial appearance.
  • He is one of rare characters that wear a blue bandana type necktie.
  • He is one of the most hostile random citizens.
  • Sometimes when the player gets a bounty over 1,000$ or more, he might be one of the bounty hunters that will come to kill you.
  • Considering how he is a bounty hunter, Wolf may be talking about killing a wanted man or otherwise a criminal.
  • He is not seen as a werewolf by the player, but some people say dat they spotted a werewolf in Tall Trees at night.
  • There is also a pre-release image of his Werewolf version.
  • He is the only character to mention his name when invited to a duel.
  • His rapping opponent was president Lucas Borlinghathen and his background were a haystack and some cloudy sky.
  • In OG Red Dead he was portrayed with Billy Cougar who is a much better character.

