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This article, CEO of Racism, is property of Damon Redwood.

Chief Executive Officer of Racism
The CEO of Racism inside the Bottomless Pit.
Biographical information
Real name Jackson Timothy Pierce
Also known as Nazi, Olaf sympathiser, Father of Racism, Dad of Modern Racism, Creator of Racism, Pierce, Piercing, Moonman's homeboi, bald, old trailer Park dweller, jobber, racist, hater, anti-Semite, Racism, phobia, CEO of Based
Nationality British-American flag British-American
Born 1955/45 BH
Age 68
Status Banished to the Bottomless Pit by Cetrion
Birthplace Virginia, USA
Cause of death/incarceration Banished to the bottomless Pit
Physical description
Eye colour Hazel
Hair colour Grey
Ethnicity Caucasian-Anglo-Saxon
Height 5'9 (175 cm)
Weight 170 lbs
Blood type 0
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Moonman, Bloodhunts, The National Alliance, Clifton Duvall, Frank Kenson (former), Michael Vance (former), David Duke, Stephen Donald Black, Alt-Right, the 4th Reich
Enemies Jason's Justice Gibers, Antifa, Dixmor Project, feminists, Stephy, Weisphaut Order, communists, Jews, Trixie, Stan the Building, BLM
Occupation(s) Talk show host, writer, Chairman of Racism, dank "memer"
Notable family members Unnamed wife, unnamed sibling, uncle, mother and father whom he all killed
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Ultimate Nazi Battles, Racism Simulator
Voiced by (English) Nolan North
Portrayed by William Luther Pierce
"I ain't afraid of no skyscrapper!"
— The CEO when confronted by Stan the Building

CEO of Racism (whose real name is Jack Pierce) is the founder and leader of the organisation called Racism which is dedicated to spreading racist propaganda and hating Jews, aliens and all minorities and he works side by side with Bloodhunts in exterminating all minorities.

So far all of his attempts at killing one single minority have been thwarted.

Jack is not a part of Kenson's Republican Party, but he was a part of the GOP until recently, due to his hate for Jews and Abrahamic religions.


Ever since he was young, this CEO had a grudge against different races, possibly indoctrinated to have it by his father. Even when he was just a teenage cowboy kid, CEO began seeking out ways to get minorities killed, one way or the other and he was butthurt like a new-born baby because Nazi Ultranationalists Germany lost the Second World War. He left the elementary school and is without any education, however that didn't stop him from having some intelligence and powers to manipulate people. How does he has any money without any proper education? Well, he inherited all of his family fortunate after he killed his mother, uncle, brother and father in their sleep. Racism's father lived alone in his parents' house but with enough money to sustain himself. He later realised that his parents house is too much to handle and he moved to a nearby Trailer Park and has been living there ever since.

He later created the Racism organisation in 1980's and became the CEO of it and quickly incorporated many young racists and neo-nazi skinheads into his firm through his Olaf Tutchenko-like speeches.

At one meeting at the trailer park this "wonderful" CEO disliked his skinhead pupils because they smelled like poor. However, the CEO needed money to pay off one of his electrical and shower bills and his begged his students to give him some mula. The kiddos said no because they considered what the CEO was doing an act of Jewry. Pierce then said the money they would give him would actually be for the church so the students gave him the mula. Jack did this two more times. When the meeting was over after an hour long hateful speech on other species, races and Jews, Pierce got back into his o' trailer and finally had the money to pay his bills.

Battling Stan[]

Once while eating some macs at McDonald's with Moonman and Clifton Duvall, the trio was confronted by a giant building that gained life, that skyscrapper was none other than friccen' Stan the Building. Stan had come to end their racist and bigoted ways, but Stan couldn't best neither, making his big-s size useless as hell. He couldn't even crouch down to face the trio and instead had to use his mind to speak to them in order to convince them to stop being racist, but to no avail. After threatening to collapse himself on the ground to crush half of the city in order to end their miserable existence, no one took him seriously and they claimed he didn't have the bowls to do that. Stan then left them alone, his sad s turning back to its normal self and he became a standard building again. However, few doubt that we have seen the last of Stan's comforts, he could kill thousands just by turning himself around and "walking" around the city.


  • Fact is Pierce here only likes the Everything Theory if it includes Nazi uniformity.
  • As the CEO admitted in an embassy meeting, his grandma was an anti-communist while his grandpa was a bounty, a criminal hired by others to kill other criminals.
  • His page is named by his title rather than his actual name due to the memes and because he prefers his organisation's title rather than his actual name.
  • He hates Frank Kenson and his private party a little due to his love for the Jews, although he said he still preferred living in Kenson's Dictatorship than any other place.
  • Despite being a lot less extreme, brutal, racist and bigoted than Moonman, Moon is still better than him because he's so badass! Despite him being a giant Nazi.
  • His madre was English.
  • He is based off William Luther Pierce, a real life neo-nazi teacher and founder of the hate group National Alliance, here rather called Racism.
    • William L. Pierce was basically the white version of Martin Luther King Jr.
  • He wrote one book on eugenics, all in caps, tho.
  • His mentality is built different.
  • የአቫታር ምሽግ ፍልሚያ ጀብድ በ 2 ኛ ተከታታይነት ይቀጥላል። ጨዋታውን የ “2 አጫዋች” ክፍልን በመጠቀም ትጀምራለህ ፡፡ ከዚያ እርስዎ እና ለጓደኛዎ ከ ‹ዓለም ፣ እሳት ፣ ውሃ› አማራጮች ውስጥ ያሉትን ንጥረ ነገሮች ይመርጣሉ ፡፡ የእያንዳንዱ ንጥረ ነገር ውጤት እና ጥንካሬን ይከላከላል ፡፡ ለእርስዎ በጣም ቅርብ የሆነውን ኃይል ከተመደቡ በኋላ የ “ካታፕልቱን” መተኮሻ አቅጣጫ እና ፍጥነት በ “አይጤዎ” ያስተካክሉ።.
  • He donated a lot of money to Moonman's 4th Reich in the War against Racism.

Political Policies[]

  • Abortion: Anti if it’s a white woman aborting a white man’s potential son or daughter, pro for all other races
  • Racial equality: Anti
  • LGBT rights: Anti
  • Subsidised healthcare: Anti
  • Gun control: Anti
  • Ideology: Far-Right
  • Economic Policy: State Crapitalism run by the White Man
  • Religious Policy: Cosmotheistic militanism, formerly christianity
  • War Policy: Pro-Military
  • Tax cuts for the wealthy: Depends, mostly pro
  • Protecting the environment: Depends, mostly anti
