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This article, Bruce Madison, is property of Billy cougar.

Bruce Madison
Montana and Bruce
Biographical information
Real name Bruce Jay Madison
Also known as Brucey, Maricon, tranny, transgender, Bruc, Mad, mam, gay girl, guy girl, pimp
Nationality This is Sparta American
Born 2nd of September, 1979
Age 38
Status Alive
Birthplace New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 5'9
Weight 67kg
Blood type O+
Gender Female (born male)
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Trailer Park rednecks, Siyx, Karl the Pimp, Alex Smith
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Prostitute/gigolo, pimp
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Scarface: The World is Yours
Voiced by (English) Unknown
"Woops! I'm such a clumsy girl."
— Bruce when bumped into

Bruce Madison is a minor citizen character featured in Scarface: The World Is Yours.


Not much is known of Bruce's background, except that she might be living in Trailer Park for a long time.


Bruce can be found walking around the Trailer Park during the night and day, sometimes Madison can also be found dancing and partying in Downtown's U-Gin Shotgun Bar or resting in a room at Firefly Hotel in Cayman Islands. He/she can talk with Tony Montana, Tony asks Bruce if some of Bruce's costumers ever got scared to see that Madison still has a penis and bowels in her/his pants. Bruce offers Montana some whoring with her/him, but Montana declines, saying "maybe later or in Hell", he is a Devil worshipper after all, similar like Angelica Pickles. Bruce was also one of the few people who was suppose to leave the Firefly Hotel when Manolo Ortega and his cartel stepped in to invest the hotel. However, the hotel and it's guests were saved when Montana killed some of the cartel members and he instead invested in the hotel.


"My dream boy is here."
— Bruce when greeted by Tony
"Montana: So what kinda costumers you like, maricon? Bruce: The kind with money, honey. You want some company? Montana: Uh, no, maybe some other day or in hell, you know? I got enough beef in my pants already. Bruce: Honey, you look like you need to relax. You change your mind, you know where to find me. Tony: Sure, man. But aren't you worried someone get surprised, maybe get angry when they see your twig and berries? Bruce: I made men into women for trying to push me around. I can handle myself. And it's their fault they don't ask me. I don't lie to anybody. I'm just not volunteering anything either. Tony: Ok, but you might want to get the, uh, the, the electrolysis, you know? The moustache is starting to show. Bruce: Thanks, honey, I'll do that. You take care now, hear?"
— Tony's conversation with Bruce
"God, it feels good to know a real man."
— Bruce when seeing Tony
"That is no way to speak to a lady!"
— Bruce when arguing
"My dream boy is here."
— Bruce when seeing Tony


  • Bruce wears the same clothes as Laura Ligi, although recoloured.
  • One of Bruce's most known costumers is Drunk Guy 1, he is probably so drunk that he doesn't even realise that Bruce is actually a male, or a female with bowls and dik.
  • As being a member of the Trailer Park rednecks, it can be seen that they are not homophobic nor transphobic, but it is unknown if they are racist or not.
    • As El Ocho, who is of Hispanic race and Gaspar's Gang, who is mostly made up of Mexicans can be seen at the Trailer Park, it might also mean that they are not racist to Latinos at all.
      • However, Jimmy the Joe still seems to be racist and hates Hispanic and Afro-American people according to his quotes.