Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Brody Foxx, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Brody Foxx
Biographical information
Real name Brody Foxxner
Also known as Brood, Brod, Yo Mamma/Mama guy, Joe from Family Guy, blondie, Joe soundalike, Mr. Fox
Nationality Austrian flag Austrian
Born April 20, 1889
Age 42
Status Alive
Birthplace Braunau am Inn, Upper Austria, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Europa
Physical description
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Blond
Ethnicity Aryan
Height 6'2”
Weight 245lbs
Blood type A
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Frank the Cop, his hoes, some FB friends, Flat Earth Society, Nazi Ultranationalists, Alex
Enemies Commies, capitalists, libtards, fat, ugly, poor or stupit mamas, Jason's Justice Gibers, weak folk (who are only there to justify the strong)
Notable family members Olaf Tutchenko (half-father) Kissy Missy (half sister)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Every WW2 game
Voiced by (English) Brock Baker
"Oh, no! No! It's happening again!"
— Brody when thinking of the fat mama that broke his neck

Brody Foxx (born March 7, 1978) is the narrator of the Yo Mama series of videos on YouTube. He likes to talk smack about people's mommas and recently daddies, and is additionally a steroid addict, gamer, workout freak and womaniser. However, he recently started to create compliments concerning peoples' mamas too, mostly on subjects like how strong, smart or hot they are. He also has fuzzy blond hair and blue eyes, is seriously tanned, is about 6'1, and weighs about 218 lbs. He is also presumably from Bullworth, Texas, and a childhood friend of John Burk and Graham Allen. Rumours have it that he is a former alumni of Dixmor Academy when he was younger and used to play American football. He is also not particularly bright about general things. He is also a member of the Flat Earth society. Judging from his jokes, despite being just that, 'jokes', he is a serious fatophobe. He was also a member of the Waffen SS and killed thousands of Jews, Outworlders and Ukrainians.

Hell, he just used them! And abused them! He wanted to know what was in-side! He is also the half-son of Olaf Tutchenko himself! Current ruler of Ochanep where Brody will move to shortly, to find his long, lost daddio.


  • The Slovene version of his name would be 'Brdi'.
  • He once bumped into the CEO of Racism while walking on the sidewalk, for which he apologised while the CEO only looked down at him (not in a literal sense) in shame.
  • He has a half sister Kissy Missy