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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Brenton, is property of Billy cougar.

Biographical information
Real name Brenton Canizales Jimson
Also known as Bren, Ben, Brenti, drug dealer, the fat drug supplier
Nationality Mexican-American flag American-Mexican
Born 21st of July, 1982/18 BH
Age 46
Status Alive
Birthplace Dumbo, Brooklyn, New York, United States of America
Physical description
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Latino-Caucasian
Height 5'8
Weight 79 kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) BB logo Blood Brothers, Gabriel Vellerino, Washington
Enemies TM Montana Gang, Tony Montana, Diaz Gang, Brendan
Occupation(s) Drug dealer, drug supplier, gangster
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Scarface: Twiy
"Hey! Make sure you know what you're doing, Montana..."
— Brenton when Tony pulls out a gun

Brenton Canizales Jimson is a minor enemy character featured in Scarface: The World is Yours.


Brenton Jimson was born to Stephen Jimson and Doris Canizales, and was raised in the city of Brooklyn neighbourhood Dumbo, a town once known for its high rate of bank heists. Brenton's mother was hooked on drugs by local mob boss Fergo Marga, who introduced the drugs to her to force Stephen to do things the way he wanted him to do. Doris hung herself in a secluded location when Brenton was six, but then the father told Brenton to look for her, but he knew deep down inside that she was gone forever; Brenton wouldn't know until twenty years later when his father moved them to Miami, Florida. There he befriended Washington soon after, and he went out with his sister Krista for a long time. His life was saved by Washington, who killed a kid named Brendan who was coming to roll up on Bren with a .45 Automatic. In 2004, Brenton and Washington joined a drug cartel gang in Downtown, the Blood Brothers. Their life later in the gang is unknown, however it is known they live a good life afterwards, at least good in a gangster standard, as they weren't the usual victims or participants of mob violence.


Brenton may only appear during the big or small supplier mission in Industrial Zone, Downtown, Miami, or in Cayman Islands. Brenton must be intimidated in order for the drug deal to be successful. That is basically all of what we see of Brenton in the game.


  • Brenton shares a similar character head model as Bob P.
  • The drug supplier giving Tone Montana the drugs will either be Brenton, Gabriel Vellerino, or Paco.
  • He is voiced by a celebrity guy that I don't actually know, uh, Anthony Henderson or Anderson or some shit.