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This article, Boom Boom Tradicional, is property of Billy cougar.

Boom Boom Tradicional
Boom Boom Tradicional
Biographical information
Real name Gabriele "Gary" Treangolini
Also known as Boom, fat hawk, bomb, Tradicional, Boomy, Gary, fat man, fatty, fat guy, fat boy, bomber
Nationality This is SpartaFlag of Italy.svg American-Italian
Born 14th of August, 1979
Age 43
Status Alive
Birthplace Fargo, North Dakota, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black, brown
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 5'8
Weight 95kg
Blood type B+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Corleone Family, Freaky Willy
Enemies Scaleri Brothers, Patrick O'Donnell, O'Donnell Family
Occupation(s) Corleone spy, shop boss
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather Game
Voiced by (English) Joe Paulino
"I'll do it, just don't rat me out if anything goes wrong, okay?"
— Boom Boom to Michael

Gabriele "Gary" "Boom Boom Tradicional" Treangolini was a spy of the Corleone Family in The Godfather Game.


Known for his involvement in Michael Corleone's gambling shops, Boom Boom was known for his violent attitude towards business, which alienated him from the rest of the Corleone family.

Because of this vicious streak, Tradicional was sent to manage the shop at Joey's Baked Goods in New Town, which he managed effectively after Pinkie Pie's decline.

In 2012, he was send by Jerry Finnigan to bomb up the Scaleri Brothers as they take revenge on Corleones after they killed their Don Patrick O'Donnell. Boom succeeded in the mission.

In 2013 Boom Boom "retired" from the mafia life and left the Corleones behind to rot due to the lack of power the crime family was getting after Michael's death.


  • He shares the same outfit as Mario DeBellis and Mario Stracci.
  • Boom had moustache in original timeline, but has no facial hair in the current one.

