Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Bob, is property of ParadoxTheDelirium.

Biographical information
Real name Robert
Also known as Bobby, Wrestling Jock, Bop, Gay Jock, Joke, Jockstrap
Nationality Canadian flagThis is Sparta Canadian-American
Born 8th of June, 1990
Died 6th of December, 2016
Age 26
Status Deceased
Birthplace New York, USA
Deathplace Winnipeg, Canada, North America
Cause of death/incarceration Shot in a terrorist attack, along with many innocent people
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Blonde
Ethnicity Caucasian-Aryan
Height 6'2" (188 cm)
Weight 190 lbs (86 kg)
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) The Jocks
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Unknown, former Dixmor Academy student
Notable family members None
Goals Unknown
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully
Voiced by (English) Tom Vergow

Bob is a deleted character in Bully. He only appeared in one cutscene (wah, wah, wah!).

Role in Game[]

Bob only appears in one cutscene in the entire game. Only in the mission "The Gym is Burning", standing besides Alphonse Burton and Bo Jackson.

Personality and traits[]

Bob is one of the tougher Jocks that was suppose to be in the game. He was the white "mystery box" jock (like in WWE Or MasterChef). His regular outfit was the same as Juri Karamazov's, and he could be encountered in free roam by hex editing but only in his wrestling outfit. His fighting style is almost the same as Smith's Worshippers. However, Bob's include a townie headbutt from the schoolboy press. If he were grappled, he would use the former Mark Henry's from WWE, Hal Esposito's and Norton Williams's bearhug to defend himself. He was kicked out of the Dixmor Academy in 2006 due to missing in too many classes and for skipping school daily. Bob is one of the many homosexual or bisexual characters in the game but he is quite perverted, and had a crush on the former star of the school's football's team, Ted Thompson, who eventually became leader of the Jocks.


  • As Bob was deleted and his data files removed, the only remaining character model of him exists in his wrestling singlet which he used to wear during gym classes.

