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This article, Bloody Nancy-MC849J, is property of Billy cougar.

Bloody Nancy-MC849J
Nancy drawn
Biographical information
Also known as Nancy, Nani, Bloody Nancy, Mishima's robot, The Ultimate Destruction Machine
Nationality Japan flag Japanese
Age 12 years since her creation
Status Alive
Birthplace Mishima Corp. labs, Japan, Asia
Physical description
Eye colour Red
Hair colour None
Ethnicity Black, red, grey colours
Height 12 meters
Weight 24 tons
Blood type Oil
Gender Female
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Mishima Corporation logo Mishima Corporation, Heihachi Mishima
Enemies Mishima Corp.'s rivals, those who oppose her
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Tekken 6
Created by Heihachi Mishima
"Kiss me, why don't you?"
— Bloody Nancy taunts

Bloody Nancy-MC849J is a gigantic robot which made her first appearance in Tekken 6 as a sub-boss. She can be fought before the bosses Jin Kazama and Azazel in singleplayer arcade mode or Story mode.

It has a health bar 10 times as big as a normal Tekken fighter, the ability to drill holes into the floor, shoot missile rockets and the ability to shoot lasers, thus destroying the glass floor and fills almost the entire screen. If the player falls through, they automatically lose and hit the ground hard. Nancy does not block attacks. If she is beaten, she will shut down and begin to smoke, break down and the character will receive a bonus. Players will proceed to the next stage regardless of whether they win or not, though.


Designed and created from a different system as JACK, the Mishima engineers have yet again developed a robotic weapon. Not really keen due to its size, but with the strong, sturdy armour and lustrous weaponry, it is a great defence facility for the Mishima Corporation and the WWE. Additionally, each of its legs can hold Nancy's huge weight only by its own.

There are actually more than one Bloody Nancy out there and all serve the Corp. and are sometimes even used by the Japanese army to help out their allies.


  • Nancy's nickname "Bloody Nancy" is due to all the killing spree she can make.
  • The "MC" stands for "Mishima Corporation", "849" is her model number, and "J" stands for "Japan". When questioned about the significance of the number, it was revealed to be the number of people connected to their network and not the number of creation.
  • Nancy cannot be playable even if the player uses cheats, along with Lord Azazel.
  • She is the heaviest character in Tekken 6, and the second largest character (behind only Azazel, although it's a bit debatable).
  • Two Nancy robots can be seen in the background of the New York Streets stage during the George Floyd riots: one near the cops that is partially destroyed and one in the far background that is seen battling a tank.
  • Nancy's loyalty is matched only by her machinery.

