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This article, Blake Brumley, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

"Colton Williams, Colby Smith, Corey Evans, Alex Norcroft, Kiley Winselton, Mr. Hill, and Mr. Pearson are all just a bunch of total bums, and they need to get bloody arrested!"
— Brumley about his seven least favourite people at the school
Blake Brumley
Blake Brumley
Biographical information
Real name Blake Wilbur Brumley
Also known as Blake, BB, Mr. Brumley, British boy
Nationality England flag British
Age 18
Status Deceased
Birthplace Staffordshire, England, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Green
Hair colour Blond
Ethnicity Caucasian-Aryan-Anglo
Height 5’6” (167 cm)
Weight 138 lbs (63 kg)
Blood type B+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Jimmy Hopkins, Peter Kowalski, Thomas van Graaf, Lola Lombardi
Enemies Williams' Gang, Mr. Pearson, Mr. Hill, Kim Jing Wei, the Greasers
Occupation(s) student at Dixmor Academy, part-time phone operator for an optometrist
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully 2
Voiced by (English) ?

Blake Wilbur Brumley is a British student at Dixmor Academy from the video game, Bully 2. He is one of the very few friends that Jimmy Hopkins has at the school, alongside Peter Kowalski and Thomas van Graaf. He has a secret crush on Lola Lombardi. However, he never lets it out because he is smart enough to know that Johnny Vincent and the other Greasers would be after him like a pack of wolves to a piece of steak. The other reason is because he knows she’s already gone out with too many men, as it is. He is hoping to avoid HIV. He also thinks that Beatrice Trudeau is too nerdy for him, while Pinky Gauthier and Mandy Wiles are both too snotty for him. In 2014, Blake was seduced and captured by the former Deputy Principal Aldo der Lertrich, who experimented bloodmixing experiments on him, however he got no results and Blake stayed exactly the same. Brumley lost his memories of being captured and experimented on by Aldo, thanks to his memory-stealing potions. He tries the best he can to stick up for people whenever Colton Williams, Colby Smith, Corey Evans, Patrick Granger, Alex Norcroft, and Kiley Winselton bully other students. He also hates all five of those bullies with a burning passion and wants them all to be expelled. He also is willing to testify in court with Mr. Hill. One time, he said to Mr. Pearson: “You think you can turn us all into bullies? That’s bullcrap!” Mr. Pearson then grind his teeth at him and said: “Blake! That’s the last straw! You're such a bad student! That's it! I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU! That does it! I’m sending your sorry ass to the principal’s office!” Once he dragged Blake to the principal’s office by the arm and the other time by foot, he made up a completely different story of what really happened and Justin Roberts Sr. actually believe his lies.


However, Blake and his burden of a life at the Academy was all over on 24th of February, 2020 when he was killed by Kim Jing Wei with her Double-barrel Shotgun in the hallways as he was too slow to outrun her gun! Blake was just wondering the hall, after finishing his lunch and getting his books from the lockers.
