Made up Characters Wiki

William "Billy" Carcer more commonly referred to as just Billy is a major character in the Extreme Terror series who appears in four of the five seasons of the show and is known for his major roles in earlier seasons. 


Billy was born on June 11, 1997 and comes fromWashington D.C. . He mentions that before joining the show he played in a heavy metal band called "Stiff Candle". He mentions having several cousins and at least two older brothers. He also mentions having spent time in juvinile prison several times. 

Extreme Terror: The Island[]

In 2016, Billy joins the 23 other people who have been brought to a remote island in Northern California where he is assigned to the Tremendous Trout  competes in hard challenges alongside his fellow campers. Through the series, Billy becomes one of the more central characters in the show. Though generally looked down upon by campers such as Chad, Tiffany, and Sophie, he finds friends in most of his male co-stars particularly, Milo , Marcel , Elijah , Veronica ,Darin , Rusty Simon and Chan . Billy does find love during the series with another female camper named Vera who is very similar to Billy. Billy manages to outlast most of his co-stars and friends, placing in at 4th place. 

Extreme Terror: Gone to the Pictures[]

In 2017, Billy is one of the 16 of the 24 contestants to be selected for the 2nd season. Through this season, he is less distracted by females due to his lover, Vera not competing. This season he takes on a more laid back persona rather than his more aggresive one from season 1 and he ends up making it even further in season 2 as he ends up competing in the finale against Faya , though he loses and places 2nd. 

Extreme Terror: Race Around the World[]

In 2018, Billy is brought back with others to compete in a race around the world. He travells with everyone else in a large cargo plane to exotic places on the globe. In this season, Billy turns back to a more aggresive personality while also becoming more scheming and attempting to swindle fellow co-stars out of money and valubles. In this season he reunites with his friends and even finds somewhat of a best friend in Simon. In this season he does decently well again and places 4th just as he did in season 1. 

Extreme Terror: Welcome to the Jungle[]

In 2020 he in brought back with several other contestants, most of which are either new or from the Return to the Island cast. In this season he remians a central character but is also overshadowed by a few of his other co-stars while also trying to retain his tough guy persona. After the end of this season he simply rolls his eyes and utters the final words in the series, simply saying "Aww shit" as the screen cuts to black.


Billy is rude, sarcastic, and sinical metal head who likes to play pranks and engage in delinquency by himself or with friends such as Chan. In later seasons he shows a more light hearted side, becoming more kind as the series goes on.


Billy is a young man who has short black hair with the sides and back of his head shaved. He wears a black shirt with the logo of metal band "Slayer" on it in red lettering with a grey long sleeve short underneith. He wears beat up, faded jeans with black tennis shoes.
