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This article, Big Smoke, is property of Demon Redwood.

Big Smoke
Big Smoke
Biographical information
Real name Melvin Merlin Harris
Also known as Big Smoke, Smoke, El Grando Smokio, Smokey, BS, B.S, Tenpenny's puppet, C.R.A.S.H sellout, Biggie Smoke, Large Smoke, Big eater, GlobglogabglaSmoke
Nationality Afro-American flag African-American
Born 5th of January, 1960/40 BH
Died 12th of April, 1992/8 BH
Age 32
Status Deceased
Birthplace Los Angeles, California, United States of America
Cause of death/incarceration Heart attack
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity African-Caucasian
Height 5'9" (175 cm)
Weight 265 lbs (120 kg)
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Carl Johnson (formerly), Sweet Johnson (formerly), Lance Wilson, Frank Tenpenny, Ed Pulaski, James Hernandez, Bastet Mob, LAPD CRASH
Enemies Grove Street Families, CJ, Sweet
Occupation(s) Grove Street gangster (former), police informant, drug lord, gamer, weapons dealer, actor, "philanthropist", talent manager
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) GTA: SA
Voiced by (English) Clifton Powell
"I'm Big Smoke! I can't be touched!"
— B.S taunting

Big Smoke (real name Melvin Merlin Harris) is a major character in GTA: San Andreas where he is the main hero and later as the secondary villain. He died of a cardiac arrest at the end of the game when his fat, black hide couldn't take anymore of his greasy food.


Melvin makes his first chronological appearance in a flashback (lazy writing by CockStar) with Lance Wilson, offering him a deal in his house about joining the Bastet Mob and betraying the Grove Street for more and more money and be able to deal in drugs plus weaponry. Ryder agrees and Big Smoke tells this to Frank Tenpenny and Ed Pulaski but in order to seal the deal they need to get rid of one person who stands in their way; Sweet Johnson. A hit is organised on Sweet at his home by the Batests and they go for his house in order to finish him in a drive-by, but Sweets just wasn't home ATT and they killed his mother, Beverly instead. Biggie, Tenpenny and Ryder went into hiding into Don Jack the Puss' mansion until smoke cleared out.

After Carl Johnson heard of his mother's death and that Sweet was the target, he returned to Los Angeles from New York in order to help the Grove out. At the same time, Biggie thought of another smart way on assassinating Sweet: he would wait at CJ's house for Sweet to return from his mother's funeral and when he did, he would smash his head with a Baseball Bat and the job would be finished. Unfortunately for me and Smoke, Carl instead came into his house to check the portrait of his dead mother, and Smoke thought he was Sweet and charged at him. Realising his mistake and CJ telling him to calm down, Smoke threw the bat on Beverly's pic and told CJ that he missed him n' sith. He then told him they need to bounce and go to his mum's funeral so CJ can get back into the Grove's ranks.

After adjusting back to his old gangster life, CJ went on a lot of missions with Smoke, Sweet and Ryder. However, most of the missions given to him by Smokie and Lance were benefiting only to themselves and maybe even the Bastet mob, as crazy as it seems, never the Grove. During the mission in which CJ, his bro Sweet, Smokey and Lance went to McDonald's to get some grub, the Batests attack them and while CJ and Sweets return fire, Smokey and Lance dun't. Also, Smoke's house is the only house not located in the Grove, instead it is right before the Batest territory. When CJ goes to Smoke to complete his side missions, the corrupt C.R.A.S.H Chief Frank Tenpenny and his right and left-hand men, Ed Pulaski and James Hernandez always come out of Smokey's house, as if they had a meeting with Biggie or something. The same thing happened once with Ryder as well. CJ begins to get suspicious.

Carl's suspicions are finally put to rest when his homie and bf of his sister, Cesar Vialpando, shows him the green Jupiter that was used in assassinating his mom's, with Bastet mob members (specifically Rubberhead), Tenpenny, Pulacki, Ryder AND Smoke lurking around it. CJ then sees Smoke and Ryder for the snakes that they are while at the same time, his bro Sweet gets ambushed by Mr. Pumpkin's men and gets imprisoned as well. With Sweets out of the picture and CJ becoming Tenpenny and LAPD's puppet, Smoke and Ryder finally make a name for themselves and invest into drug dealing and weaponry, this time without the Grove always breathing down their fat nex. Big Smoke, in his egoism, even builds a large statue of himself in the middle of his estate, which is located right besides Don Puss' mansion, as well as hiring a bunch of Bastets to guard his home and himself while he will be eating junk food and playing video games all day long in his basement. Smoke also made special one-of-a-kind Blackjack and poker cards with his, Pulacki, Tenpenny, Hernandez, Jack the Puss and Ryder's faces on 'em. He also got made tons and tons of action figures of himself and the aforementioned villains, being distributed all around America by Vava Arbogastt's company and he would even be invited into Hollywood, making cameo appearances in comedies, especially those of Adam Sandler and Will Smith.

Carl, in the meantime, begins to work as a male stripper for Jizzy B., a stripclub owner attempting to gather more information on the operation, and later gains his trust in CJ. Jizzy, however, is later assassinated by the Finger for competing against the Dixmor Project. The Mexican gang leader T-Bone Mendez and Mike Toreno later have Ryder in their grasps at the dockyard where CJ planned on killing him for betraying the Grove. CJ succeeded when he blew up Ryder in his Powerboat, making Smoke sad as sith when he heard the news. Smoke, in the meantime, begins to work on one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's movies and also begins to work as the manager of Hector Lopez, an aspiring rapper and childhood friend of both Smoke and Ryder, who was also a pal of Tenpenny, but not Pulacki. Smokey also styles himself as a philanthropist to African kids when he is interviewed on West Coast Talk Radio by Godfrey from CNN, saying that he is using his money to try and stop the sale of drugs in Los Angeles as well, despite being the major drug baron in the city, showing his hypocrisy, like a politician. Other things he claims to spend money on include Red Cross, PETA, the Democratic Party, ALF, Israel, ADL, etc.

Big Smoke is also featured on the CNN the next day, where he explained that he will be starring soon in one of James Stalker's new films at Villain Video Enterprises.

A while later, CJ begins an all-out assault on Smoke and his mansion, protected by Puss' men and after about 16 mins of shooting, CJ finds Smokey eating pizza on the 3rd floor and he invites CJ to join him. CJ would have none of that and says he's already killed all of the catman's men below and wishes to finish off Big Smokio. Smoke complies and gets up, shooting at CJ with a pump-action shotgun. After blowing his cover by blasting the couch CJ was hiding behind, Smoke managed to shoot Carl in the head, killing him and making a gaping hole in his once-head.


Despite succeeding in killing off CJ and his chief rival Sweets dying in jail, Smoke's hedonistic lifestyle would prove to be fatal, as he died about half an hour later on his sofa of a heart attack. The Bastet mob and CRASH were sadden over the death of their long-time ally and arranged a funeral for him at Hollywood, no less, a place where he shined as a star. A lot of actors, like Arnold, Brad and Jennifer Lopez also came to his funeral as well to pay their respects.

Personality and traits[]

Smoke firstly comes across as a chill and nice guy, but this is all just a facade to trick CJ. TBA.
