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This article, Benny the Boat, is property of Billy cougar.

Benny the Boat
Benny the Boat
Biographical information
Real name Benjamin O'Mellon Santrini
Also known as Ben, Benny, Bennie, Boat, yacht, ship, Mellon, Mello', casino owner
Nationality Irish-American flag Italian-Irish
Born 18th of July, 1973
Age 45
Status Alive
Birthplace Brooklyn, New York, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian-Celtic
Height 5'10
Weight 74kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Stracci Family (former), Corleone Family (former)
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Butcher store racket boss
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather Game
Voiced by (English) Jarion Monroe
"All right, at that price, you've got yourself a deal. And don't worry about me, I'll keep the money coming."
— Benny the Boat

Benjamin "Benny the Boat" O'Mellon Santrini was a Stracci family associate and racket boss but today works only for his father after breaking off of the Corleone Family's control.


Considered a relative lightweight, Benny was given the casino racket overlooking Fabriano Santrini & Son, Fabriano, his father was already known as "The Butcher of New Town", and thus Benjamin kept largely out of his father's way.

In 2010, the Corleone Family led by Rocco Lamp and Charlie Trapani began making million dollar moves on New Town, and Benny was forced to turn over his profits.

In 2014, Benny and his father were finally able to break free of the Corleones and their strong grasps, mostly due to the DeVazzi Family taking over France from them.
