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This article, Benjamin Franklin VS Demoman - Rap Battle 8, is property of Billy cougar.

Benjamin Franklin VS Demoman
Ben Franklin dollarVsDemoman
Biographical information
Nationality This is Sparta American (Franklin), Ya Scott son-of-a bitch! Scottish (Demoman)
Born 17th of January, 1706 (Franklin), 18th of July, 1978 (Demoman)
Age 84 (Franklin), 38 (Demoman)
Status Deceased (both)
Physical description
Eye colour Brown (Both)
Hair colour Brown, grey (Franklin), brown (Demoman)
Height 5'11 (Franklin), 6'0 (Demoman)
Weight 98kg (Franklin), 90kg (Demoman)
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Politics, other founding fathers (Franklin), Red/Blu Teams (Demoman)
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Assassin's Creed series (Franklin), Team Fortress 2 (Demoman)
Voiced by (English) EpicLLOYD (Franklin), Gary Schwartz, Colin J. Sweeney (Demoman)

Benjamin Franklin VS Demoman is the eighth installment of EERB and the eight episode of Season 1. It features an soldier and also a demoman, Demoman, rapping against American politician, mayor, inventor, and founding father, Benjamin Franklin. After Demoman dies mid-battle, Scout takes over the battle for Demo. It was released on September 23rd, 2011.


Franklin (1st Verse):[]

Oh, Big Ben Franklin and this shall be pretty.

Let me instruct you how we battle in the city of kicka*s Philly.

You couldn't sell Rick James a bag of crack, you're out of practice.

My victory's more certain than fact or taxes!

Fact is, you're a hack, wack QVC joke.

You peddle soap that cleans bird shit from my window!

I'll craft the lyrical coffin and then spit the shits in.

Call me Arthur Miller bitch, cause it's the death of a shitsman!

Demoman (1st Verse):[]

Hi, Demoman here with this special TV offer!

Watch me crush this bald, fat, foppish founding father.

I'll take my crazy auger and sow your crazy oats.

I'll shoot your rhymes down like a Benjamin on red coat.

I'm lord of the bitch and leader in home sales.

You're just a lumpy bitch who invented the shit mail.

Benny's got kite 'n key, but you're in for a shoot!

When I strike you with bolts from my lightning rod cock!

Franklin (2nd Verse):[]

Stop! I protest these intolerable raps.

It takes just one easy payment for me to whoop your dirty, crazy, ugly, bats*ith ass!

Cause' I'm mint! On money! I'm an educated gentleman.

So join or die, bitch, 'cause it's all about the Benjamin!

Demoman (2nd Verse):[]

But wait, bitch, there's more...

Franklin (3rd Verse):[]

Die, bitch! DIE!

(Demoman dies by orders of Ben)


Is there anyone out there who can finish this battle? Anyone? Anyone?...


I can.

You followin' me camera guy? 'Cause it's about to get furious.

You're gonna love my nuts until your bi-focal-says "furious".

Your boy George chopped down trees. You couldn't break a piece of balsa!

Slap chop your face, make a double chin Sosa!

Your style's so broke, they call you "Poor Richard!"

It's bad enough I gotta see you every time I hit a stripper! Stripper!

Scout against a founding father's just too bad.

'Cause after this America's gonna lose a Dad!

The third rapper[]

