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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Ben Carson, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Ben Carson
Benny Karson
Biographical information
Also known as Dr. Ben Carson, Uncle Tom, The Hot Chocolate, Benny C.
Nationality This is Sparta American-Africana
Born September 18, 1951/49 BH
Age 72
Birthplace Detroit, Michigan, United States
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black (greying, just a little)
Ethnicity African-American
Height 6’0 (183 cm)
Weight 172 lbs (77 kg)
Career, affiliations and family information
Enemies The Democrats, Hillary Clinten, Frank Kenson
Occupation(s) Neurosurgeon, politician
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Unknown, probably one or two in the near future
Main appearance(s) (Cartoons) Some political cartoons aimed against him by the Left for whatever reason
Main appearance(s) (Movies) Same note as the cartoons
Voiced by (English) Himself
"People are stupid!"
— Carson at the debates
"We humans have something called a brain! Fuaking use it!"
— Carson spitting some fax

Dr. Benjamin Solomon “Ben” Carson is an African-American neurosurgeon who ran in the 2016 USA Presidential elections but dropped out too soon when Frank Kenson crushed him. However, he would’ve been great for the job... I guess. He’s a conservative and Seventh-Day Adventist who doesn't believe in the concept of the Never Never Land or Shinnok, as well as a vegan, but still holds high respect for those who hunt, fish, poach, do zoophilic stuff and own guns. Despite being black just like Barack Obama, many Obama supporters hate him for being conservative. Many liberals who also just so happen to be vegan hate him too, despite him being in their latter group. That is because he is only vegan for health issues, and not for the animals at all. On the Wiki life, he is the father of the late Nick Carson who was killed by his own boss, Tony Montana, a few years back. Benjamin has the same birthday date as this Wiki's Administrator, Billy Cougar, aka William Squirrelson. He also has the same first name as a user on this Wiki named KGBSpetsnaz.

He was kicked out of one of Frank Kenson's Churches for not praising him enough and has to pay a fine as a result back when Kenson called the shots.


  • Like many other religious billionaires, or basically all of them, Carson doesn't live humbly and actually lives in a mansion and hangs out with elites, despite Jesus rejecting the rich.
    • Speaking of such, Carson once said that slavery was good for his people and that if it weren't for slavery, his people (which he called "Negroes") would never meet the Abrahamic god at all, nor Christ. Damn.