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This article, Bedanc Spinney, is property of Billy cougar.

This article, Bedanc Spinney, is property of Paul W. Barrel.

Bedanc Spinney
Bedanc 2
Biographical information
Real name Melvin Bedanc Justin Spinney
Also known as Bedanc, Spine, old man, drunk old guy, hillbilly, Merlin
Nationality Canadian-Amerikan flag Canadian-American
Born Unknown, 1845/155 BH
Age 57
Status Grave Deceased
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 5'11
Weight 85kg
Blood type B+
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Roe's Criminals logo Roe's Criminals (former), Winkler's Gang
Enemies The Law, Jack Marston
Occupation(s) Gang member, serial killer, thief, hunter, bounty hunter, gambler
Goals Make United States of America a communist state, overthrow the current government (both failed and abandoned), kill "Red Harlow" (failed)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Red Dead Redemption (part III, The New Life and part IV, the Undead Nightmare)
Voiced by (English) ?
"How am I gonna get me a whore with all this shit going on?"
— Spinney during the undead outbreak

Bedanc Spinney is a minor character and a bounty target featured in Red Dead Redemption part III, The New Life, and part IV Undead Nightmare.


Bedanc Spinney is wanted for murder and can be captured or killed depending on the player's choice. Bedanc is a life-long outlaw and he hung out with Roe's Criminals at first, embracing Americus Roe's views on society and dreaming of a communist utopia, similar to Dutch van der Linde's vision. However, Bedanc quickly abandoned those views, as he always only caring about making money and no change to society or his life in general, and when Roe was killed by Jack Marston, Bedanc started hanging out with Sid Winkler and his bunch. Bedanc became a serious gambler since then and continued with it until his death.


The New Life[]

Melvin can sometimes be found around Thief's Town, frequently loitering inside the saloon and around the hotel plus brothel or the docks. He can also be seen sitting on benches around town with his fellow gang members. Bedanc can also be found at the Crystal Camp, where he commonly plays five finger fillet. When he is beaten or when the game is disturbed, he will walk around the camp, eat, piss, drink or smoke.

Undead Nightmare[]

Bedanc can be seen fighting off the undead in the wilderness along with Fletcher King or/and Silask Gaskell or any other known person or criminal. If he survives he says he will head to Fort Mercer, where he can be found.


"You're about to go south!"
— Bedanc during a fight
"I bet you don't even know how to use iron!"
— Bedanc when threatened
"Hell, you got anything interestin' to say?"
— Spinney during a conversation
"Bunch o' drugstore cowboys, the lot o' you!"
— Bedanc during a fight
"Watch out! That sneaky shit is on the move!"
— Bedanc during a fight
"Come on, you spineless sith!"
— Bedanc during a fight
"What kind of shitheel puts a bounty on me?"
— Bedanc when captured
"Let me go and I won't slit your woman's throat."
— Melvin when captured
"You're even worse than that whore at Twin Rocks!"
— Bedanc during a fight
"You wanna see what kinda big man I am?"
— Bedanc when insulted and before sex
"Don't make me open your head with an iron."
— Bedanc when insulted
"All right, we'll play some poker, ok?"
— Bedanc invites Jack to a game of poker in Brimstone


"Nobody beats me and nobody cheats me! You just did both! For that, I'll have your head!"
— Bedanc Spinney's last words

After the death of Spike Nancy, Bedanc invites Jack Marston to a game of poker for money at the Brimstone Saloon. As Marston beats him in it, he will accuse Jacky of cheating and threaten and taunt him. However, he can't do crap to Jack, as Marston shoots him after he finishes his threat. After he dies and slumps from the table to the ground, he is most likely buried in the cemetery next to his fallen comrades.


  • In the second timeline, he had one of the highest bounties in the game at $300 or $600 respectively. This also counted for Zebedee Nash, Kent Gallaway, Americus Roe, and Hestor Frith.
  • Spinney does not appear in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition.
  • His name Bedanc comes from a fictional character named Bedanec from a very known Slovene movie called Kekec's Tricks which was made from a book of similar name. Both Bedanc and Bedanec also share a striking similarity and are dirty and possibly stinky villains, both literally and figuratively.

