This article, Baphomet Williams, is property of HOWLERRZZ. |
This article, Baphomet Williams, is property of Demon Redwood. |
Baphomet Williams is one of the three founders of O.M.E.N. organisation.
Baphomet was born in the Never Never Land on December 7th. His ex-wife had been trying for a child for years before she eventually bore Damian Thorn, as most of her attempts ended in either miscarriages or stillborns, until the day Margaret managed to bear a somewhat healthy baby boy, at least physically but not mentally. However, this baby was born without the unusual deformity: his head seemed to humanic rather than goat-like or demonic. Margaret and Baphomet, despite being devout Satanists, weren't horrified by this and Damian became the namesake of Bafomet's orginasation, the O.M.E.N., like the movies. Immediately following Margaret's discharge from the hospital hours later, they came to Earth and sought alliance with the Dixmor Project, Freemasons and the Weishaupt Order, NWO organisations which would accept Bafomet and his fam immediately, he was one of their dieties after all. Baphomet and his wife instantly became Project Agents, however they had much more priviledges than your average agent and were even seen above the Project Leader, William Calvin Morgan himself! Baphomet also became mentor to the Lord Antichrist and he convinced most of the secret society members to worship the much more powerful, Lord Azazel over Shinnok, which sparked some arguments and controversy amongst members.