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This article, Bad Egg List Reactions on Easter 2020, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

This is how various people on the Easter Bunny’s Bad Egg list reacted to getting baskets filled with rocks, sticks, rotten eggs, and dirt.

  • Donald Trump: He shouted “THIS IS FAKE NEWS!”
  • Bill and Hillary Clinton: They shouted “DOGGONE REPUBLICANS!!!”
  • Mike Bloomberg: He’s getting ready to sue someone.
  • Ted Turner: He’s complaining about it on CNN right now.
  • Alayna Callahan: Angrily her basket through the window, breaking it.
  • Alexander Shoemaker: Stole a basket from a neighbor who was on the Good Egg list and replaced his with theirs.
  • Autumn Anderson: Knocked her basket off the table.
  • Braden Davis: He didn’t care since he doesn’t believe in the Easter Bunny after all.
  • Cody Griffin: He swore about getting his basket.