March 12, 2002
Isaac/Baby Newton the Lion(Version 1)
- Antonio Vivaldi
- Traditional
- Baby Vivaldi CD: 2002, 2003
- Puzzling Shapes
- See And Spy Shapes
- Numbers and Shapes Discovery Cards
- My First Book of Shapes
Baby Newton™ is the 9th Baby Einstein video in the series to be released. It is both the first math episode and the first science episode from the series. It is hosted by Isaac the Lion (named after the mathematician Isaac Newton) and teaches five shapes, and shows how they're part of our world. The visuals include toys, computer animation, puppet shows and stock footage. Its counterpart CD is Baby Vivaldi and its counterpart books are See And Spy Shapes and Puzzling Shapes. Some of the toys had been stopped after the video was made, so Disney decided to replace the toys in the 2004 edition. Baby Newton was later replaced with Discovering Shapes in 2007 due to poor parent reviews. The video also includes a song called "I Know My Shapes" by Jack Moss (later sung by Callie Moore in 2004 releases).
Physical Description[]
Baby Newton™ is an enriching new approach to learning shapes as they are found in our world through the context of toys, nature, kinetic art and beautiful geodesic forms.
Hosted by our colorful puppets and an animated clown, Baby Newton will take your toddler on a field trip through a shape-filled world of sound and motion.
Featuring delightful puppet shows and baby-friendly animation accompanied by beautiful live-action video and classical music by Vivaldi, Baby Newton is the perfect way to engage and stimulate your young child.
Video Guide[]
- The Four Seasons Concerto in E Major "Spring (La Primavera"), Op. 8, No. 1, RV 269, I. Allegro: Isaac the Lion draws a picture of a Clown with crayons (the 96 Crayon Pack presumably by Crayola, LLC.) on the white wall.
- The Four Seasons Concerto in F Major "Autumn (L'autunno"), Op. 8, No. 3, RV 293, I. Allegro: Opening titles (different version in 2004) (in white)
- I Know My Shapes, Jack Moss CGI Crayons Theme (replaced by Callie Moore with different music in 2004 CGI Clown Theme): Crayons come out of the box, Green, Yellow, and Black dance together, Orange walks and draws, Blue jumps high and turns Yellow, Clown draws himself and he turns himself in his drawing form into his CGI form as he tries to stand up, Shape Singers singing with a microphone, Clown sees shapes and builds a tower.
- Yellow Circle (in white)
- Pavlov The Dog (PlaySoup) rolls four balls (Polka Dotted Balls) away, and eventually has an avalanche of balls come onto him (in black).
- CGI Clown: The Clown finds the purple circle and spins in a hula hoop (in white). (with the music video Clown Hoop Dance by Weisbach)
- Concerto in G Major for Violin & Strings, Op. 3, No. 3, RV 310, I. Allegro: animated purple circle, bubbles (in black), Clock Ramp Walker (in white), owl blinking, a girl on a tire swing in field, Musical Land: Airplane (in black) (replaced by Solar Power Plane Ride (in black) in 2004), Venus Rotating Fiber Optic Lamp (in black), Basketball thrown into the net, Purple Liquid Crystal Ball (in black), girl with Flower Sunglasses, sunflower growing in time-lapse (slowed down footage in 2004), raindrops fall in water, peas (in black), Georello Kaleido Gears (in black) (59.94fps in 2004 and rearranged), oranges dumps out of the bowl (in black)
- CGI Crayons Intro: The blue crayon swings on a tan rope (Tarzan-style), flying in many directions, then he (off-screen) falls down when he accidentally lets go of the rope, crashes and runs away while the rope slowly sways back and forth (in white).
- Blue Square (in white)
- Isaac walks into his workshop wearing a tool belt, then one of the parts of his wooden frame and he decides to fix it. He puts on blue snorkel goggles and starts using a hammer (from the 25 Piece Toolbox) to fix the frame with an impact of dust coming out, eventually so much dust fogs up the place making it completely white as he continues using the hammer along with a screw driver (also from the 25 Piece Toolbox), then the dust clears as we see the frame fixed and Isaac cheers for his job and walks away (in white).
- CGI Clown: Pop Goes the Weasel, Traditional: The Clown finds the green square, which turns into a jack-in-the-box toy, and turns the crank (in white).
- Concerto in G Major for 2 Mandolins & Strings, RV 532, I. Allegro: animated green square, Rock Dice Light (in white), man waving a flag (in blue), Color Cube (in white), Super Runaway/Rollbahn (in black) (replaced by Bag O' Blocks (in white) in 2004), cube animation (in white), Gold 12" Disco Ball, Soft Foam Shapes (with motion trail) in white
- CGI Crayons Intro: The red crayon uses the black crayon to draw a circle and the camera zooms out (to show it how you can see it as and oval) revealing a hole for them to jump and dive into water in it to have a dip (in white).
- Green Oval (in white)
- Duck (in a dual role) tries to stretch a green circle into an oval but fails twice. He asks another duck wearing sunglasses to help him, and they eventually succeed in it (in blue-gradiental white).
- CGI Clown: The Clown finds the yellow oval and looks at himself in an oval mirror, and he does a comb via pulling his hair with it. (with music Clown Mirror Comb by Weisbach) (in white)
- The Four Seasons Concerto in F Minor "Winter (L'inverno"), Op. 8, No. 4, RV 297, II. Largo, 2nd Movement: animated yellow oval, Solar Power Bicycle Rider (in black), Color Mix Amber (29.97fps in 2004 with trail blur), jellyfish, hot air balloons, mushroom, tomatoes, water drop falling past flowers zoomed out, water drop zoomed in (same scene)
- CGI Crayons Intro: The green crayon does a broad way tap dance with a mini brown cane, but is being kind of a show off doing it before he has been pulled away by a big red cane leaving his hat behind until he quickly grabs it (in white).
- Purple Rectangle (in white)
- Neighton the Horse hears a knock at his door, but when he opens it, no one is there. He closes it and walks away, until he hears the doorbell, and he rushes back and opens it again, looks down on the floor and up high, but still no one's there again. Neighton eventually gets angry about the false door answers as he closes the door again and walks away in a huff. Then, when he walks past the door, he hears a loud banging at the door, and this time tries not to answer it, but then he is pushed away by it by Baby MacDonald the Cow who comes in blowing a Party Blower and wearing a Flower Party Hat, then Pavlov holding a USA Pinwheel, Isaac with purple Streamers, and Duck with Sunglasses. Neighton then gets up and closes the door, shakes and laughs because he forgot that it was his birthday as he walks away to join the party with his friends (in white).
- CGI Clown: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Traditional: The Clown finds the red rectangle and plays music from a songbook (in white).
- Concerto in C Major for 2 Trumpets, Strings & Basso Continuo, Op. 46, No. 1, RV 537, III. Allegro: animated red rectangle, Highrise Rescue (in white), Yellow & Blue Wind-Up Walking Suitcase (in white) (59.94fps in 2004), flags waving, Thomas & Friends: Bulgy the Bus Wind-Up (in white), Yellow Wind-Up Walking Suitcase (in white) (59.94fps in 2004), jungle gym, Tin Rover Space Dog (in white), blueprints animation, Spinning Sam (in black), Pink Wind-Up Walking Suitcase (in white) (59.94fps in 2004), bus on the bridge, Clowns on Ladder Run (in black), freight train with box carts passing a railroad crossing, coal freights cars, Brooklyn Bridge
- Blue Wind-Up Walking Suitcase in white.
- CGI Crayons Intro: The yellow crayon and orange crayon play tag (in white).
- Red Triangle (in white)
- Isaac sees the background gold glitter, he tries blowing it away with his breath three times but it just fails, he then gets an idea, and uses a Mini Pink Fan to blow it away to reveal a triangle (in white).
- CGI Clown: The Clown finds the blue triangle and plays its titular instrument (the triangle) in white.
- Concerto in B Minor for 4 Violins & Cellos, Op. 3, No. 10, RV 580, I. Allegro: animated blue triangle, 3 Wooden Clowns (in black), triangle graphics animation, bridge on road, Hedgehog Ramp Walker with Orange, Yellow, and Purple Hexagonal Triangle Mosaic Pattern Blocks (in black), 3D Butterfly Spinning Lamp (in black) (replaced by Bag O' Blocks (in black) in 2004), Double Bridge, Wooden Train Set, and Battery-Operated Locomotive (in white) (replaced by Girder Bridge, Blue Engine, Yellow Tank Car, and Tipping Wagon with Load (in white) in 2004), Happy Circle Balance Toy (in black) (offset in 2004), Stars & Crystal Kit (in black), Hammerspiel (replaced by Klopfspiel in 2004), Paper Sphere Kit (in black), Tin Wind-Up Ferris Wheel with a White Hexagonal Triangle Mosaic Pattern Block (in black), pyramids (color tone changed to pink in 2004), sailboat in the water
- CGI Crayons Intro: The yellow crayon jumps on a purple pogo stick (in white).
- Shapes Review, I Know My Shapes (Instrumental) (different music in 2004 with CGI Clown Theme)
- I Know My Shapes by Jack Moss CGI Crayons Theme (replaced by Callie Moore with different music in 2004 - CGI Clown Theme) (Reprise): Crayons come out of the box as before, Green, Yellow, and Black crayons dance together, Orange crayon walks and draws, Blue crayon jumps high and turns Yellow crayon, draws a Clown, Shape Singers (again), Clown sees shapes and builds a tower, but he accidentally knocks the tower down.
- Concerto in D Major for Lute, 2 Violins & Basso Continuo, RV 93, I. Allegro: Closing credits & titles (different version in 2004) (in white)
Puppets (all debut)[]
- Isaac the Lion (Host) (PlaySoup) (played by David Privett and Julie Clark) (first appearance)
- Pavlov the Dog (PlaySoup, Version 1) (played by David Privett and Julie Clark) (first appearance)
- Duck (PlaySoup, Version 1) (played by David Privett) (first appearance)
- Neighton the Horse (PlaySoup, Version 1) (played by David Privett) (first appearance)
- Baby MacDonald the Cow (PlaySoup, Version 1) (played by Julie Aigner-Clark) (first appearance)
CGI Characters[]
- Crayons
- Clown
- Shape Singers; these shapes include:
- Circle Singer
- Square Singer
- Triangle Singer
- The Crayon Zone
- Julie Aigner-Clark
- David Privett
Job | Employee |
Presented by | The Baby Einstein Company, LLC |
Creator | Julie Aigner-Clark |
Music & Sound Design | Bill Weisbach |
Videographer Editor | Mark Burr |
Audio Production | Clive Smith |
Art Direction | Leslee Anne Terpay |
The Players | Aaron Drake
Tom Nazziola Clive Smith Bill Weisbach |
Compositions by | Antonio Vivaldi
Jack Moss (2002-2003 versions) Callie Moore (2004 version) |
Puppeteers | Dave Privett
Julie Aigner Clark |
Narrated by Trevor Weisbach.
I know my shapes.
Do you know your shapes?
Discovery Cards[]
- Circle (Bicycle)
- Circle (Pizza)
- Circle (Basketball)
- Oval (Watercolors)
- Oval (Egg)
- Oval (Watermelon)
- Rectangle (Books)
- Rectangle (Chalkboard)
- Rectangle (Door)
- Square (Flag)
- Square (Dice)
- Square (Present)
- Triangle (Roof)
- Triangle (Flags)
- Triangle (Pyramids)
2002-2004 | 2004 |
Isaac the Lion Puppet by PlaySoup | |
96 Crayon Pack (Old Brand) by Crayola | |
Crayons by RoseArt | |
Pavlov The Dog Puppet (Version 1) (Brown) by PlaySoup | |
Polka-Dotted Balls by PlaySoup | |
Clock Ramp Walker by Dihras | |
Musical Land: Plane Ride (Color) by Ishiguro | Motion Sculpture Lamp: Plane Ride Ride by Carlisle |
Venus Rotating Fiber Optic Lamp by Spencer's Gifts | |
Basketball by Wilson Sporting Goods (Stock Footage only) | |
Crystal Ball (Purple) by Schylling | |
Flower Sunglasses (Unknown) (Stock Footage only) | |
Georello Kaleidogears (Old Version) by Quercetti | |
25 Piece Toolbox by Home Depot | |
Eco Ranger Chainsaw by Home Depot | |
Blue Snorkel Goggles (Unknown) | |
Rock Dice Light by The Dream Weavers | |
Color Cube by Ikoso Kits | |
Super Runaway/Rollbahn by HEROS | Bag O' Blocks: Square Blocks by Ryan's Room |
12" Disco Ball (Gold) by Spencer's Gifts | |
Soft Foam Shapes by Lauri Crepe | |
Duck Puppet (1st Version) by PlaySoup | |
Black Sunglasses by Party City | |
Solar Power Bicycle Rider by Carlisle | |
Color Mix Amber by Westminster | |
Door Prop by PlaySoup | |
Neighton the Horse Puppet by PlaySoup | |
Baby MacDonald the Cow Puppet (Version 1) by PlaySoup | |
Flower Party Hat (Unknown) | |
Tie-Dye Party Blower (Unknown) | |
USA Pinwheel by Slinky | |
Purple Streamers (Unknown) | |
Highrise Rescue by DYTOY | |
Wind-Up Travel Baggage by Charm Co | |
Thomas & Friends: Bulgy the Bus Wind-Up by TOMY | |
Tin Rover Space Dog by Schylling | |
Spinning Sam by Dihras | |
Clowns on Ladder Run by Dihras | |
Mini Pink Fan by Opolar | |
Wooden Clowns by Wooden Toys Shop | |
Hedgehog Ramp Walker by Dihras | |
Hexagonal Triangle Mosaic Pattern Blocks by Froebel USA | |
Butterfly 3-D Spinning Lamp by The Lyon Company | Bag O' Blocks: Triangle Blocks by Ryan's Room |
Double Bridge, Wooden Train Set, Battery-Operated Locomotive by HEROS | Girder Bridge, Blue Engine, Yellow Tank Car, & Tipping Wagon with Load by Brio |
Happy Circle Balance by Golden Island | |
Stars & Crystal Kit by Ikoso Kits | |
Hammerspiel by HEROS | Klopfspiel by HEROS |
Paper Sphere Kit by Ikoso Kits | |
Tin Wind-Up Ferris Wheel by Schylling |
Video Compositions and a Song[]
- "The Contest Between Harmony & Invention" Op. 8: Concerto No. 1 in E Major "Spring", RV 269 (F 1/22, P 241) I. Allegro (Isaac's shape clown)
- "The Contest Between Harmony & Invention" Op. 8: Concerto No. 3 in F Major "Autumn", RV 293 (F 1/24, P 257), I. Allegro (Opening Credits)
- I Know My Shapes, Jack Moss (2002-2003), Callie Moore (2004) (Dancing CGI Crayons and a CGI Clown)
- "The Harmonic Inspiration" Op. 3: Concerto No. 3 in G Major for solo Violin & Strings, RV 310 (F 1/173, P 96), I. Allegro (Circle)
- Concerto in G Major for 2 Mandolins & Strings, RV 532 (F 5/2, P 133), I. Allegro]] (Shortened Version) (Square)
- "The Contest Between Harmony & Invention" Op. 8: Concerto No. 4 in F Minor "Winter", RV 297 (F 1/25, P 442), II. Largo (Shortened Version) (Oval)
- Two Concertos Op. 46: Concerto No. 1 in C Major for 2 Trumpets, Strings & Basso Continuo, RV 537 (F 9/1, P 75), III. Allegro (Rectangle)
- "The Harmonic Inspiration" Op. 3: Concerto No. 10 in B Minor for 4 Violins, Cello & Strings, RV 580 (F 4/10, P 148), I. Allegro (Triangle)
- Concerto in D Major for Lute, 2 Violins & Basso Continuo, RV 93 (F 12/15, P 209), I. Allegro (Closing Credits)
Bonus Compositions (Baby Vivaldi CD)[]
- Concerto in D Major for Lute, 2 Violins & Basso Continuo, RV 93 (F 12/15, P 209), III. Allegro
- Concerto in F Major for 2 Horns, Strings & Continuo, RV 539 (F 10/2, P 321), III. Allegro (found in Baby Monet)
- Two Concertos Op. 46: Concerto No. 1 in C Major for 2 Trumpets, Strings & Basso Continuo, RV 537 (F 9/1, P 75), I. Allegro (found in Neighborhood Animals)
- "The Harmonic Inspiration" Op. 3: Concerto No. 12 in E Major for solo Violin & Strings, RV 265 (F 1/179, P 240), I. Allegro (found in Baby Monet)
- "The Harmonic Inspiration" Op. 3: Concerto No. 12 in E Major for solo Violin & Strings, RV 265 (F 1/179, P 240), III. Allegro (found in Baby Monet)
- "The Contest Between Harmony & Invention" Op. 8: Concerto No. 1 in E Major "Spring", RV 269 (F 1/22, P 241), III. Allegro pastorale (found in Baby Monet)
- "The Contest Between Harmony & Invention" Op. 8: Concerto No. 2 in G Minor "Summer", RV 315 (F 1/23, P 336), I. Allegro non molto and III. Presto
- "The Contest Between Harmony & Invention" Op. 8: Concerto No. 3 in F Major "Autumn", RV 293 (F 1/24, P 257), III. Allegro (found in Baby Monet)
Footages used by[]
- EyeWire Inc. (3 Stock Footages)
- Getty Images Inc. (22 Stock Footages)
- National Geographic Film Library (1 Stock Footage)
- Buena Vista Home Entertainment/Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment (2002-2004)
- This is the first video to involve a math topic. This is the first ever Baby Einstein video originally distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment/Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment, the home media unit of The Walt Disney Company, and the first video made after Disney's acquisition of the company in 2001.
- This is the second video to have music by Vivaldi.
- This is the only Baby Einstein video to use CGI animation, besides the company's logo that features Caterpillar.
- This is also the only Baby Einstein video where the CGI characters including Crayons, Clown and the Shape Singers make an appearance. The Caterpillar did not appear in this video because he was only supposed to be in the company's logo he was featured in.
- The CGI was done by the American Animation Company in Denver, Colorado, while the CGI-designed Caterpillar (Rolling Caterpillar form) was designed by Stephen Rozmiarek (also from Denver) at Pixel Kitchen, Inc. (Boulder, Colorado), with its redesign also at Pixel Kitchen, Inc.
- This is the first video to use puppets designed and built by Dave Privett at PlaySoup. The puppets were based on Nadeem Zaidi designs.
- This is the only Baby Einstein video to not have any kids at all. The other is Neptune's Oceans (not counting stock footage).
- The Ferris Wheel by Schylling was also shown in Baby Bach, released 4 years before this video.
- The extended versions of Concerto No. 1 in E Major, Concerto in G Major for 2 Mandolins & Strings, and Concerto No. 4 in F Minor are reused in the Baby Monet video taken from the Baby Vivaldi CD.
- This was the second to last video to be made by Julie Clark as well as her last video being puppeteer, until the Discovery Kits.
- This was Julie Clark's least-favorite video to make.
- The squished version of the head and FBI Warning screen previously appears in Baby Mozart.
- The Venus Rotating Fiber Optic Lamp by Spencer Gifts previously appeared on Baby Mozart and later appeared in Baby Galileo and the 2004 remake of Language Nursery.
- The Girder Bridge, Blue Engine, Yellow Tank Car, and Tipping Wagon with Load by Brio later appears in On The Go.
- The Wind-Up Walking Suitcase was later seen on Discovering Shapes.
- Circle, Square and Triangle are the only shapes to feature toy alternations from 2002-2003 and 2004.
- Oval and Rectangle are the only shapes to feature the same toy scenes from 2002-2003 and 2004.
- Despite this video getting a 2007 cover design on the official site and still part of the Demos and Toys in Videos sections, this video was unfortunately replaced by Discovering Shapes due to the poor reviews by parents (likely because of the animation and the 2004 changes). However, there is a 2007 stock photo and international versions, as well as a physical copy that was found by George Bonouki in January 2022.
- Baby Newton was originally planned to be released in late 2001 as "Baby Newton: Shapes in Motion" as evidenced by the back of the Playtime Classics 2001 CD, but it was delayed to the next year, probably due to issues with Disney buying Baby Einstein at the time.
- This is the first appearance of all puppets in this video: Isaac the Lion, Pavlov The Dog (Version 1), Duck (Version 1), Neighton the Horse (Version 1) and Baby MacDonald the Cow (Version 1) all in PlaySoup form. They all made their second appearance in the next video, and their third appearance in the 2008 version of Baby Mozart. Also, nearly all the said characters appear in Numbers Nursery except for Isaac the Lion.
- This is the last VHS to include a Soundtrack CD Enclosed.
- The 2002 DVD Concert Hall has music from the Baby Newton Soundtrack CD. Some copies of the 2003 VHS with the Bonus CD Sampler slot come with the Baby Newton Soundtrack CD because the 2003 VHS is the same as 2002, besides the cover.
- This is the last video to feature the 2000 Baby Einstein Tutorial.
- However, in this it is different because at the end of it, the animated version of Bard the Dragon is not seen, most likely due to Disney's acquisition of the company.
- This is the one of the only two videos in the Clark Era made following Disney's acquisition of the company, and to use puppets designed and built by Dave Privett at PlaySoup. The other is the next video, Baby Beethoven.
- Ironically, they are from the Disney Merger Era and feature the same puppets in both videos (except for Baby Beethoven the Giraffe).
- This is the last video to use the original style packaging layout for the videos. It used a new and more structured style packaging layout from the next video onwards.
- The bus wind-up toy seen during the Rectangle music video is a Thomas & Friends character named Bulgy.
- This also the second-to-last video to have minor toy replacements in 2004.
- The Wind-Up Side Stepping Frog was in the 2004 Toy Chest for some reason, but it is not shown in the video. The picture is taken from the Baby da Vinci toy chest.
- Despite being replaced by Discovering Shapes, the Late-2004 DVD is included in the Where Discovery Begins DVD boxset.
- When Isaac the Lion cheers after fixing a wooden square frame, Julie's voice can be heard a little.
- During the Rectangle puppet show, you can see that Baby MacDonald and Pavlov's collars are white. This is because during the making of the puppet show, green screen was involved, and it would be hard to edit if they were wearing their usual green collars.
- Some copies of the 2002 DVD have a misprint on the disc that say the running time is 101 minutes instead of 29 minutes.
- During the credits on the 2002 DVD, you can see some VHS flickers, due to a very small issue with converting the master VHS file over to a DVD format.
- The 2004 Disc has the Disney DVD logo on the bottom right instead of the center right.
- The Hebrew VHS has the US Warning Screen.
Baby Newton/Gallery
Baby Newton/Videography Template:BE VideosTemplate:Toys in Baby Newton
Toys in Baby Newton |
Original: 96 Crayon Pack, Gold Crayons, Polka Dotted Balls, Clock Walker, Musical Land, Venus Rotating Fiber Optic Lamp, Basketball, Crystal Ball, Flower Sunglasses, Kaleidogears, Toolbox, Eco Ranger Chainsaw, Blue Snorkel Goggles, Rock Dice Light, Color Cube, Super Rollbahn, 12 Disco Ball (Gold), Foam Shapes, Sunglasses, Solar Power Bicycle Rider, Color Mix Amber, Door Prop, Party Hat, Party Blower, USA Pinwheel, Streamers, Highrise Rescue, Walking Suitcase, Wind-Up Bulgy, Rover the Space Dog, Spinning Sam, Clown on Ladders, Mini Pink Fan, Wooden Clowns, Porcupine Walker, Hexagonal Triangle Mosaic Pattern Blocks, 3D Spinning Butterfly Lamp, Double Bridge, Battery-Operated Engine, Wooden Train Set, Happy Circle, Stars & Crystal Kits, Hammer Game, Paper Sphere Kit, Tin Wind-Up Ferris Wheel
Introduced in 2004: Solar Power Plane Ride, Bag O' Blocks, Girder Bridge, Blue Engine, Yellow Tank Car, Tipping Wagon with Load, Klopfspiel |