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February 22, 2011


Baby Baaach the Lamb


  • Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Christian Petzold
  • Traditional
  • Claude Debussy
  • Johannes Brahms
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Ludwig van Beethoven
  • Charles Gounod





World of Colors


Neptune's Oceans

Baby Lullaby is the 7th Baby Einstein Discovery Kit video in the series. It is the third music episode from the Discovery Kit series and features calming music and images.

Feature Show Guide[]


  • Minuet in G Major from the Anna Magdalena Notebooks, BWV Anh. 114, Bach and Petzold: Baby Baaach the Lamb takes the Baby Creamy Bear (in black), opening titles.

Spinning and Rocking[]

  • Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, BWV 147, Bach: Orange Hydro Gyro starts spinning (in white), Sun Balance (in black), Orange Hydro Gyro starts to wobble (in white), Musical Bubble Bear (in black), Orange Hydro Gyro falls down and then stops spinning (in white)

Carousel of Colors[]

  • Goldberg Variation, No. 4, BWV 988, Bach: Musical Carousel (in black), Spiral Bead Lamp (in white) (footage reused from Language Nursery), Red, Yellow, Green and Blue Winkel (in black), Holographic Streamers from clear to blurry (in white)

Nap Time[]

  • Baby Baaach looks at his Tick Tock Musical Clock, yawns, and walks to sleep (in black).
  • Prelude No. 1 in C Major, BWV 846, Bach: Teddy Mobile (in black) (footage reused from Baby Van Gogh, zoomed out), Baby Lena Musical Lamb (in black), Gumball Machine Bubbler (in black), Bear in the Box (in black) (footage reused from Language Nursery)
  • Hush Little Baby, Traditional: Snowy Owl Puppet (in black)

Sweet Dreams[]

  • Suite Bergamasque No. 3, L. 75, "Clair de Lune", Debussy: Sleeping Babies stock footage

Fish and Bubbles[]

  • Waltz No. 15 in A Flat Major, Op. 39, Brahms: Fish Bowl zoomed out (in white) (footage reused from Language Nursery), Gumball Machine Bubbler (in white), Fish Bowl zoomed out (in white) (footage reused from Language Nursery), Fish Bowl zoomed in (in white) (footage reused from Language Nursery)
  • Hush Little Baby, Tradtional: Cats stock photography
  • Calico Cat Hand Puppet (in white)

Mobiles in Motion[]

  • Piano Concerto No. 27 in B-Flat Major, K. 595, 2nd Movement, Mozart: Music in Motion Mobile (in black) (footage reused from Baby Beethoven), Bright Starts Musical Mobile (in white) (footage reused from Language Nursery), Solar System Crystalite (in black), Bead Curtains: Blue Circles (in white), Snuggle Pods: Lil' Peanut (in black)
  • Hush Little Baby, Traditonal: Dogs stock photography
  • Golden Retriever Hand Puppet (in black)

Night Lights[]

  • Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D Major, BWV 1068, "Air on the G String", Bach: Lava Lamp zoom out (in black) then zoomed in, Disco Ball (in black) with disco lights coming in, Mini Glitter Lamp (in black)
  • Baby Baaach walks by with his teddy bear (in black)
  • Hush Little Baby, Traditional: Babies stock footage

Fluids in Motion[]

  • Piano Sonata No. 8 in C Minor, "Pathetique", Op. 13, 2nd Movement, Beethoven: Pink, Yellow and Blue Triple Ooze (in white) (footage reused from Baby Beethoven), The Wave Machine: Purple and Green (footage reused from Baby Van Gogh), Cascade Timer (in white), The Wave Machine: Red and Blue (footage reused from Baby Van Gogh, recolored).

Dreams of Water[]

  • Hush Little Baby, Traditional: water spraying, waterfall, stream, waterfall, water spraying

Dreams of Seasons[]

  • Serenade No. 13 in G Major, "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik", K. 525, 2nd Movement, Mozart: water spraying, wheat fields, sunflowers, maple leaves, snowy mountains, green leaf, white flowers blooming, raining in leaves, water spraying

Dreams of the Night Sky[]

  • Ave Maria, Bach and Gounod: water spraying, sunset, sea, night sky, night sea, colors of the night


  • Wiegenlied, Op. 49, No. 4, Guten Abend, Guten Nacht, Brahms: credits.

Mini Shows Guides[]

Baby Bach's Music Box[]

  • Title Card
  • Hush Little Baby, Traditional: Mini Red Piano (in white), Ukulele zoomed out (in white), Bird Trumpet and Kazoo (in white), Sierra blows Animal Jazz Band Trumpet (in black)
  • Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G Major, BWV 1049, 1st Movement: Village Animated Sledding Hill (in black) in 3 different angles, Wonderland Bear Band (in white) in 2 different angles, Village Animated Skating Pond (in black) in 4 different angles, Village Animated Sledding Hill (in black), Village Animated Skating Pond (in black), Wonderland Bear Band (in white)
  • Hush Little Baby, Traditional: Moving Moneybox (in white)
  • Ford 57 Thunderbird Model mirrored without the Baby Einstein Face logo (in white)
  • Flute Sonata in E Flat Major, BWV 1031, 3rd Movement (short version): RC Dizzy Kitty (in white), Sun Balance (in black), White Rikki Rooster and 50 Centimeter Sunflowers (in black), RC Dizzy Kitty in white, Pop-Up Animals (in black)
  • Hush Little Baby, Traditional: Accordion (in white), 8 Tune Xylophone (in white), Lollipop Drum (in white), Sierra plays Junior Bongos (in black)
  • Goldberg Variation, No. 30, BWV 988: Baby Einstein logo is drawn with Marker (in white), Pull-Along Wiggly Caterpillar (in black) (footage reused from Language Nursery), Curious Creatures: Happy Starfish (in black) (footage reused from Language Nursery)

Parade of Lullabies[]

  • Baby Baaach looks at his Tick Tock Musical Clock, yawns, and walks to sleep (in black).
  • Suite Bergamasque, III: Clair de Lune, Debussy: Sleeping Babies stock footage
  • Waltz No. 15 in A Flat Major, Op. 39, Brahms: Fish Bowl zoomed out (in white) (footage reused from Language Nursery), Gumball Machine Bubbler (in white), Fish Bowl zoomed out (in white) (footage reused from Language Nursery), Fish Bowl zoomed in (in white) (footage reused from Language Nursery)
  • Hush Little Baby, Traditional: Cats stock photography
  • Calico Cat Hand Puppet (in white)
  • Piano Concerto No. 27 in B-Flat Major, K. 595, 2nd Movement, Mozart: Music in Motion Mobile (in black), Bright Starts Musical Mobile (in white) (footage reused from Language Nursery), Solar System Crystalite (in black), Bead Curtains: Blue Circles (in white), Snuggle Pods: Lil' Peanut (in black)
  • Hush Little Baby, Tradtional: Dogs stock photography
  • Golden Retriever Hand Puppet (in black)
  • Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D Major, Air, BWV 1068, Bach: Lava Lamp zoom out (in black) then zoomed in, Disco Ball (in black) with disco lights coming, Mini Glitter Lamp (in black)
  • Baby Baaach walks by with his teddy bear (in black)
  • Hush Little Baby, Traditional: Rock-a-Bye Baby
  • Wiegenlied, Op. 49, No. 4, Guten Abend, Guten Nacht, Brahms: Pink, Yellow and Blue Triple Ooze (in white) (footage reused from Baby Beethoven), The Wave Machine: Purple and Green (footage reused from Baby Van Gogh), Cascade Timer (in white), The Wave Machine: Red and Blue (footage reused from Baby Van Gogh, recolored).
  • Baby Baaach falls asleep on his bed

About Baby Lullaby[]

Slideshow (Goldberg Variation No. 30, BWV 988): Quote by Albert Einstein "I have to say about Bach's life and work: Listen, play, love, revere.", Information about the Discovery Kit: Picture Book, Parent's Guide, DVD, and CD, Information about the composer: Composer - Johann Sebastian Bach


  • Baby Baaach the Lamb (Host)

Kid, Baby Bach[]

  • Sierra Clark (wearing a black shirt and black leggings) (reused footage)


Feature Show Toys[]

Toy Manufacturer
Baby Creamy Bear Mary Meyer
Sheep Puppet PlaySoup
HydroGyro (Orange) Rainbow Products
Sun Balance Authentic Models
Musical Bubble Bear Fun Maker
Musical Carousel Battat
Spiral Bead Lamp (reused footage) Kenart (reused footage)
Winkel (Old Version) Manhattan Toy
Holographic Streamers West Coast Design Studios
Tick Tock Musical Clock Tolo Toys
Teddy Mobile Ambi Toys
Baby Lena Musical Lamb Gund
Gumball Machine Bubbler Creative Motion Industries
Bear in the Box (reused footage) Ambi Toys (reused footage)
Snowy Owl Puppet Folkmanis
Calico Cat Hand Puppet
Music in Motion Mobile (reused footage) Sassy (reused footage)
Bright Starts Musical Mobile (reused footage) Kids II (reused footage)
Solar System Crystalite West Coast Design Studios
Bead Curtains: Blue Circles Fun Works
Snuggle Pods: Lil' Peanut Manhattan Toy
Golden Retriever Hand Puppet Folkmanis
Lava Lamp (Purple) Lava
Disco Ball AADLP
Mini Glitter Lamp Westminster
Triple Ooze (Pink/Yellow/Blue) Carlisle
The Wave Machine (Purple/Green) Lava
Cascade Timer Carlisle
The Wave Machine (Red/Blue) Lava

Baby Bach's Music Box Toys[]

Toy Manufacturer
Mini Red Piano Schylling
Ukulele Small World Toys
Bird Trumpet Ambi Toys
Metal Kazoo Trophy Music/Toymsith
Animal Jazz Band Trumpet TOMY
Village Animated Sledding Hill Department 56
Wonderland Bear Band Christmas Fantasy
Village Animated Skating Pond Department 56
Moving Moneybox Kovap
Ford 57 Thunderbird Model Road Legends
RC Dizzy Kitty TOMY
Rikki Rooster (White) Iwaya
50 Centimeter Sunflower Hobbycraft
Pop-Up Animals (Old Version) Battat
Accordion Schylling
8 Tune Xylophone Wonderful Toys
Lollipop Drum Remo
Junior Bongos First Act
Black Permanent Marker Prismacolor
Pull-Along Wiggly Caterpillar (reused footage) The Fun Years/Blue Box (reused footage)
Curious Creatures: Happy Starfish (reused footage) The First Years (reused footage)


Video Compositions[]

  1. "1715 Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach": Minuet No. 1 in G Major BWV Anh. 114, Bach and Petzold (Puppet Show)
  2. "Heart of Mouth and Deed and Life" BWV 147: X. Finale: Allegretto in G Major "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring", Bach (Spinning and Rocking)
  3. 30 Variations in G Major for Harpsichord "Goldberg", BWV 988: No. 4, Bach (Carousel of Colors)
  4. Prelude No. 1 in C Major, BWV 846, Bach (Nap Time)
  5. Hush Little Baby, Traditional
  6. Suite Bergamasque, III: "Clair de Lune", Debussy (Sweet Dreams)
  7. Waltz No. 15 in A Flat Major, Op. 39, Brahms (Fish and Bubbles)
  8. Piano Concerto No. 27 in B-Flat Major, K. 595, 2nd Movement, Mozart (Mobiles in Motion)
  9. Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D Major, BWV 1068, II. Air, Bach (Night Lights)
  10. Piano Sonata No. 8 in C Minor, "Pathetique", Op. 13, Grove. 13, Bia. 184, II. Adagio Cantabile, Beethoven (Fluids in Motion)
  11. Serenade No. 13 in G Major, "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik", K. 525, 2nd Movement, Mozart (Dreams of Seasons)
  12. Ave Maria based on Prelude No. 1 in C Major, Bach and Gounod (Dreams of the Night Sky)
  13. Wiegenlied, Op. 49, No. 4, Guten Abend, Guten Nacht, Brahms (Closing Credits)

Bonus Compositions (Baby Bach's Music Box)[]

  1. Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G Major, BWV 1049, I. Allegro (Winter Fun)
  2. Sonata No. 2 in E-flat Major for Flute, & Harpsichord, BWV 1031, III. Allegro (short version) (Animals and Nature)
  3. 30 Variations in G Major for Harpsichord "Goldberg", BWV 988: No. 30 (Faces, About Baby Lullaby)


  • Buena Vista Home Entertainment/Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment (2011)


Baby Lullaby/Gallery


Baby Lullaby/Videography


  • This is the last appearance of Baby Baaach the Lamb.
  • Goldberg Variations No. 4 by Johann Sebastian Bach and Serenade No. 13 in G Major, "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik", 2nd Movement by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are not in the Baby Lullaby Concert Hall.
  • Some footages of Language Nursery, Baby Bach, Baby Beethoven, and Lullaby Time are reused.
  • The instrument Baby Baaach the Lamb is holding on the cover art is the Bird Trumpet from Baby Bach.
  • The Solar System Crystalite is from Baby Galileo.
  • The Purple and Green Wave Machine is from Baby Van Gogh.
  • The Aqua Fun: Fish Tank by Masudaya and Snuggle Pods Sweet Pea by Manhattan Toy were shown in the Toy Chest on the Wayback Machine for some reason, but it did not appear in the video.
  • This is the first video to feature some new toys since World Animal Adventure.
  • The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1, Prelude No. 1 in C Major, BWV 846 by Bach is the only new song that was introduced.
  • There are two versions of Prelude No. 1 in C Major.
  • This is the only Level 1 Discovery Kit to be a multi-composer video.
  • This is also the only Discovery Kit to have closing credits on a black background instead of a white background.

Template:Discovery Kit VideosTemplate:Toys in Baby Lullaby

Toys in Baby Lullaby
Video: Baby Creamy Bear, Hydro Gyro, Sun Balance, Musical Bubble Bear, Musical Carousel, Spiral Bead Lamp, Winkel (Red, Yellow, Green & Blue), Holographic Motion Windsock, Tick Tock Musical Clock, Teddy Mobile, Baby Lena Musical Lamb, Gumball Machine Bubbler, Bear in the Box, Snowy Owl, Calico Cat Puppet, Music in Motion Mobile, Bright Starts Musical Mobile, Solar System Crystalite, Blue Beaded Curtains, Snuggle Pods Lil' Peanut, Yellow Lab Puppet, Lava Lamp: Purple, Spinning Disco Ball, Mini Glitter Lamp, Triple Ooze (Pink, Yellow & Blue), The Wave Machine: Purple and Green, Cascade Timer, The Wave Machine: Red and Blue

Baby Bach's Music Box: Mini Red Piano, Ukulele, Bird Trumpet, Kazoo, Animal Jazz Band Trumpet, Village Animated Sledding Hill, Wonderland Bear Band, Village Animated Skating Pond, Moving Moneybank Truck, Ford 57 Thunderbird, Dizzy Kitty, Rikki Rooster (White), 50 Centimeter Sunflower, Pop-Up Animals, Accordion, 8 Tune Xylophone, Lollipop Drum, Junior Bongos, Marker, Wiggly Caterpillar, Curious Creatures: Happy Starfish Wayback Machine: Aqua Fun Fish Tank, Snuggle Pods Sweet Pea
