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This article, Aphrodisiac Bank, is property of Billy cougar.

Aphrodisiac Bank
Aphrodisiac Bank
Crossover Mayhem, Tekken (mentioned)
Project associates, workers and commanders
London, England, UK, Europe
Modes (Console Only; PC can play any map in any mode)
Singleplayer, multiplayer
Console Codename (PC)
The Aphrodisiac Bank
Singleplayer Map
In London

The Aphrodisiac Bank is a bank in London, England that opened in the nineteen-twenties, but is now secretly controlled by the underground secret society, the Dixmor Project, more specifically Charlie Dixmor. As the people that come to this bank are usually in debt to him and his men, they are made to look the other way during Heihachi Mishima's and his accomplices' late night visits to the bank. They are their debt slaves after all, but unlike Heihachi, the debts slaves rarely walked into the bank deep at night. Ever since Heihachi's death and Lee Carla's removal as the brilliant CEO of the Mishima Corporation, the Devil Jin Kazama uses the Aphrodisiac Bank as his front and he took all of Lee's accounts while he also has some of 'em in Switzerland.

The bank is also the main cash depository in London and it is rumoured the Project uses many of the safes in this bank as their private vaults to hide in the jewellery and gold stolen from the Outworld Mines or all around the Earth. The Project uses US as their puppet to create wars in Outworld in order for the Project to get the jewels there and as so, are also responsible for Outworld's 2015 Immigration crisis in Europe. The bank is protected by a large number of Spys and Project Militia.

The bank is known to have at least 12 private vault rooms or more and a dozen and dozen of offices despite not looking so big on a naked eye. Whoever tried to rob this bank got their as handed to him in an instant and died via a slow and torturous death at the hands of Project's men.

Known employees[]

  • Owner: Jerry Aphrodisiac
  • Operator: Tanya Winters
  • Manager: Charlie Dixmor