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This article, Antonio Balsamo, is property of Billy cougar.

Antonio Balsamo
Tony Balls
Biographical information
Real name Antonio "Tony Balls" Vittorio Balsamo
Also known as Tommy, Ton, Tony, Balls, Ballz, Bally, Falcone guy
Nationality Italian flag Italian
Born 14th of July, 1923
Died 12th of October, 1977
Age 50
Status Deceased
Birthplace Palermo, Italy, Europe
Cause of death/incarceration Died due to injuries cost by Leonardo da Vinci and Johnny DeMantagna
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity White-Mediterranean
Height 6'2
Weight 88kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Falcone Family, Tomaso Falcone, Harvey Epstein, Vito Corleone
Enemies Marina Family, Lucas Hernandez, Vinci Family, Leonardo Vinci, Johnny DeMantagna
Occupation(s) Spy of Falcone Family, mobster
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Mafia II
Voiced by (English) Phil Idrissi
"You don't have the balls for this business!"
— Tony Balsamo

Antonio "Tony Balls" Balsamo is a minor hero character in Mafia II.


Tony is an ageing spy in the Falcone Family and has worked for them almost twenty years. Before Carlo Falcone took over the family, Tony was Tomaso Falcone's personal driver and bodyguard. He was badly injured when Falcone assassinated Tomaso with a car bomb in 1966. Since then, he has spent most of his time working the Falcone family's protection shops. His most recent assignment is to protect the family's accountant, Harvey "Beans" Epstein, and the secrets he holds in his Jewish hands.

Working with Joe[]

When Joe Clemenza left New York City for five months to live down south, Tony was hired to watch over Joe's Apartment. Upon Joe's return, Tony got him work with the Falcone family. The pair stole a shipment of military grade weapons from the Southport docks from Derek Barrel, and afterwards he introduced Joe to Eddie Scarpa. They later robbed Maxwell's supermarket and made off with a substantial amount of money.

Guarding Harvey[]

While Tony and Frankie the Mick were assigned to protect the family's accountant, Harvey Epstein, the three were kidnapped by the Marina Family. They were taken to the Hernandez's Slaughterhouse to be interrogated by Lucas Hernandez about Falcone's drug operation, which resulted in Frankie's death. Vito Corleone managed to rescue the pair, and then Tony and Vito fought off Lucas and his crew. Tony later killed Hernandez by torturing him with a cattle prod before putting him through a meat grinder.


When the Red Dragon Triads declared war on the Vinci Family, thinking they were responsible for the death of Xi Fong and their men at The Red Dragon Restaurant, Tony was severely beaten by Vinci's men, who were looking for answers. His injuries were so severe that Marina doctor Pablo Picasso stated he'll likely never walk again. After a few days of that event, Balls was reported dead by Falcone men, due to the unhealable injuries he had.
