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This article, Antonin Dovchenko, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Antonin Dovchenko alt version

Antonin Dovchenko was a Russian Mafia soldier who was a member of the Valentin Family. He was the right-hand man of capo Irina Spalko.


Antonin Dovchenko was born October 8, 1921 in some village in Siberia. Not much is known about his early life other than that.

In 1957, Antonin and a few other Russian mobsters captured Indiana Jones and a British MI6 agent named George McHale after a failed espionage attempt. They finally let them out of a truck after infiltrating an American military base called Hangar 51 in Nevada. Antonin and his men disguised themselves as American military personnel in order to get in there. His uniform's name tag said "Truman" and that he was a "Colonel" even though he was never a part of any country's military in general. Irina Spalko showed up shortly after. After Indy helped the Russian mob locate a mummy, the FBI showed up. Irina, Antonin, the rest of the gang, and George (pretending to be on their payroll) sped off out of Hangar 51 and a long car chase ensued. The FBI lost them, but was temporarily suspicious of Indy after putting him in handcuffs, thinking he was becoming one of their associates.

Antonin would also later on travel to Peru with Irina, other Valentin crime family members, and George. George and Antonin captured Indiana Jones and Mutt Williams, bringing them to a camp set up by Irina Spalko, where her quest to find Akator would begin. During the truck ride to Akator, Antonin became annoyed with the bickering of Indiana Jones and Marion Ravenwood. He attempted to gag Marion but was knocked out by Indiana Jones and Mutt Williams. This led to a big chase in which eventually led to the nesting ground of a super colony of siafu ants. He was devoured by them after fighting Indiana Jones, screaming in fear.

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