November 23, 2010
Pavlov the Dog
- Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
- Amilcare Ponchielli
- Ludwig van Beethoven
- Domenico Scarlatti
- Johann Pachelbel
- Frederick Thomas Nettlingham
- Traditional
Baby Mozart (Discovery Kit)
Animals Around Me is the 2nd Baby Einstein Discovery Kit video in the series, the first animals or nature episode this series and is the first Merifeather Lewis and Duckbill Clark adventure starting in nearby locations.
Feature Show Guide[]
- The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Op. 57, Act I: The Tsar's Farewell and Departure, Rimsky-Korsakov: black swan, cat, cows, wild horses, dog, goose, snow geese, pigs, seagull, chipmunk, horse, Namibia katydid, barn owl
- Variation on Tsar's Farewell and Departure, Rimsky-Korsakov: Opening credits
Animals in Our Home[]
- La Gioconda, Dance of the Hours, Ponchielli: Merifeather Lewis and Duckbill Clark fly in a hot air balloon and land in a neighborhood.
- Pavlov The Dog turns on the TV which reveals a picture of a dog, then he gets a bone, throws it away and runs off.
- 12 Contredanses for Orchestra, WoO 14, Contradance No. 10 in C Major, Beethoven: dog stock footage, Mia pets a dog
- The Great Dalmatian Chase (in black) in 3 different angles
- Living room furniture is seen in front of the TV which shows a picture of a cat.
- 12 Contredanses for Orchestra, WoO 14, Contadance No. 6 in C Major, Beethoven: cat stock footage
- Cat Crystalites (in black)
Animals in the Backyard[]
- A backyard setting is shown
- Stella The Cat sees a picture of a bird on the TV, and hides.
- The Snow Maiden, Prologue: Dance of the Birds, Rimsky-Korsakov: bird stock footage, Woodpecker (in black)
- Flying Goose Mobile (in black)
- Pavlov looks around as if he was watching a bug, and walks off.
- The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Op. 57, Flight of the Bumblebee, Rimsky-Korsakov: bug stock footage; beetle running, caterpillar, honeybee, butterfly, Dottie Ladybug (in white), beetle running again, caterpillar, Sierra plays with Praying Mantis Glove Puppet (in black), praying mantis, bumblebee, butterfly, beetle running one more time, ladybug, beetle dying
- A Namibia katydid gets close up to the camera.
Animals in the Park[]
- Merifeather and Duckbill land at the park.
- Pavlov sees a picture of a bunny on the TV. So he dresses like a bunny and hops.
- Capriccio Espagnol, III. Alborada, Rimsky-Korsakov: rabbit stock footage, Rabbit in a Hat Puppet (in black), Pavlov feeding rabbit (in black)
- A rabbit puppet pops out of a hat full of carrots, and eats one of them. (in white)
- Misty Mouse turns on the TV the first time, it shows a dog. When she did it the second time, it shows a cat. But when she did it the third time, it shows a mouse, and Misty dances.
- 12 Contredanses for Orchestra, WoO 14, Contradance No. 3 in D Major, Beethoven: Mouse stock footage, Xylophone Playing Mouse (in black)
- Misty (in a dual role) have a food fight filled with cheddar cheese, salami, green grapes, cottage cheese, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. Eventually Violet Mouse sends the two away and looks at the screen suspiciously. (in black)
- Pavlov and Flip the Frog jump, but when Flip jumps the highest, Pavlov walks off.
- Sonata in E Major, K. 380, Scarlatti: frog stock footage, Farley Frog Lollipuppet (in black)
- Wind-Up Side-Stepping Frog (in black)
- Duck (L&L) follows Duck (PlaySoup) (2nd Version) and sees a picture of a duck on the TV, but then, Pavlov scares him by quacking.
- Canon and Gigue in D Major, I. Canon, Pachelbel: duck stock footage
- Quack Quack Ducky (in white)
- Flip and Duck croak and quack, but they end up doing the opposite way on the last round, confusing Flip. (in black)
Animals on the Farm[]
- Merifeather and Duckbill land on the farm.
- Old MacDonald Had a Farm (Instrumental): farm stock footage: sunrise (footage reused from Baby MacDonald), horse and foal (footage reused from Baby MacDonald), girl running with pony (footage reused from Baby MacDonald), cow walks out barn (footage reused from Baby MacDonald), sunflowers (footage reused from Baby MacDonald), combine harvester (footage reused from Baby MacDonald), girl in corn field (footage reused from Baby MacDonald)
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
- Baby MacDonald the Cow (L&L) carries a milk pail, and moos.
- Akiala singing (in white), cow stock footage, Cool Cow Cone Puppet (in black)
- Baby MacDonald wears a straw hat and neckerchief, and whinnies.
- Sierra singing with Neighton the Horse (L&L) (in white), horse stock footage, Mia wearing Cowboy Hat on a Rocking Horse. (in white)
- Baby MacDonald wears a pig snout and oinks.
- Baby Macdonald the Cow, Squirt The Pig and Neighton the Horse (PlaySoup) (2nd Version) singing, pig stock footage
- Neighton keeps tossing Baby MacDonald's stacks of hay, and eventually she catches him. Squirt rides by on a tractor.
- Flying Cow Mobile (in black)
- Rooster is seen sleeping near the TV, until Baby MacDonald wakes him up with a cowbell. Baby MacDonald walks off, Rooster crows, and the TV turns on to a reveal a picture of chickens.
- Music video: Snowbird on the Ashbank, Traditional (chicken stock footage)
- Rooster is seen next to an egg which Baby MacDonald picks up. Rooster walks off. Squirt walks by, Flip (in a dual role) hops and croaks, and Pavlov pants and dances off. (in black)
- Merifeather and Duckbill fly off and the sky is at sunset.
- Capriccio Espagnol, V. Fandango, Rimsky-Korsakov: horse, Canada goose, Namibia katydid, cat, cows, wild horses, leaf-cutter ants, Monarch and Postman butterfly, squirrel, duckling, dogs, seabirds
- Closing Credits
Mini Shows Guides[]
Violet's Animal Portraits[]
- Animals in Our Home and Animals in the Backyard: Sonata in E Major, K. 380, Scarlatti: dog, cat, bird, and bug
- Animals in the Park: La Gioconda, Dance of the Hours, Ponchielli: bunny, mouse, frog, and duck
- Animals on the Farm: Canon and Gigue in D, I. Canon, Pachelbel: cow, horse, pig, and chicken
Pavlov's Animal Friends[]
- Pavlov turns on the TV which reveals a picture of a dog, then he gets a bone, throws it away and runs off.
- Music video: 12 Contredanses for Orchestra, WoO 14, Contradance No. 10 in C Major, Beethoven (dog stock footage, Mia pets a dog)
- The Great Dalmatian Chase (in black) in 3 different angles
- Pavlov turns on the TV which reveals a picture of a cat.
- Music video: 12 Contredanses for Orchestra, WoO 14, Contradance No. 6 in C Major, Beethoven (cat stock footage)
- Music video: Old MacDonald Had a Farm (Instrumental): farm stock footage sunrise (footage reused from Baby MacDonald), horse and foal (footage reused from Baby MacDonald), girl running with pony (footage reused from Baby MacDonald), cow walks out of barn (footage reused from Baby MacDonald), sunflowers (footage reused from Baby MacDonald), combine harvester (footage reused from Baby MacDonald), girl in corn field (footage reused from Baby MacDonald)
- Pavlov turns on the TV which reveals a picture of two cows.
- Akiala singing, cow stock footage, Cool Cow Cone Puppet (in black)
- Pavlov the Dog turns on the TV which reveals a picture of two horses.
- Sierra singing with Neighton (L&L) (in white), horse stock footage, Mia wearing Cowboy Hat on a Rocking Horse (in white)
- Pavlov turns on the TV which reveals a picture of a pig.
- Baby MacDonald, Squirt, and Neighton (PlaySoup) (2nd Version) singing, pig stock footage
- Pavlov and Flip jump, but when Flip jumps the highest, Pavlov walks off.
- Music video: Sonata in E Major, K. 380, Scarlatti (frog stock footage, Farley Frog Lollipuppet (in black))
- Wind-Up Side Stepping Frog (in black)
- Duck (L&L) follows Duck (PlaySoup) (2nd Version) and sees a picture of a duck on the TV, but then, Pavlov scares him by quacking.
- Music video: Canon and Gigue in D Major, I. Canon, Pachelbel (duck stock footage)
- Rooster walks off, Squirt walks by, Flip (in a dual role) hops and croaks, and Pavlov pants and dances off. (in black) (possibly Pavlov fell)
About Animals Around Me[]
Slideshow (12 Contredanses for Orchestra WoO 14, Contradance No. 6 in C Major, Beethoven): Quote by Albert Einstein: "The most beautiful gift of nature is to give one pleasure in looking about and comprehending what we see"., Information about the Discovery Kit: Discovery Cards, Parent's Guide, DVD, and CD, Information about the everyday animals:
- Pavlov The Dog (Host) (New and Reused)
- Stella The Cat
- Misty Mouse (New and Reused)
- Flip the Frog (New and Reused)
- Duck (L&L) (New and Reused)
- Duck (PlaySoup) (2nd Version)
- Baby MacDonald the Cow (L&L) (Co-host) (New and Reused)
- Squirt The Pig (New and Reused)
- Neighton the Horse (L&L) (Reused)
- Neighton the Horse (PlaySoup) (2nd Version)
- Rooster
- Violet Mouse (reused footage)
Kids, Neighborhood Animals[]
- Akiala Nanyamka (wearing a pink shirt and butterfly overalls)
- Mia Mettais (wearing a lime green T-shirt, and pink overalls and cowboy hat)
- Sierra Clark (wearing a red sweatshirt)
Toy | Manufacturer |
Hot Air Balloon Model | Authentic Models |
Sudsy/Pavlov the Dog Bath Puppet | Legends & Lore |
The Great Dalmatian Chase | DYTOY |
Cat Crystalites | White Eagle |
Cat Puppet | PlaySoup |
Woodpecker | Dihras |
Flying Goose Mobile | Nova Natural |
Dottie Ladybug | Jamina |
Praying Mantis Glove Puppet | Plush Creations |
Rabbit in a Hat Puppet | Folkmanis |
Misty Mouse Bath Puppet | Legends & Lore |
Xylophone Playing Mouse | Miva |
Violet Mouse Bath Puppet | Legends & Lore |
Knee Deep Frog Bath Puppet | |
Farley Frog Lollipuppet | Manhattan Toy |
Wind-Up Side-Stepping Frog | Ganz |
Ducky Duck Bath Puppet | Legends & Lore |
Duck Puppet | PlaySoup |
Quacky Quack Ducky | Iwaya |
Betsy/Cud Cow Bath Puppet | Legends & Lore |
Cool Cow Cone Puppet | Morvaska Ustredna |
Straw Hat | The Wizard's Chest |
Neighton the Horse Bath Puppet | Legends & Lore |
Cowboy Hat | The Wizard's Chest |
Rocking Horse | Unknown |
Squirt the Pig Bath Puppet | Legends & Lore |
Neighton the Horse Bath Puppet | PlaySoup |
Flying Cow Mobile | Bohemian Crafts |
Rooster Puppet | PlaySoup |
- Buena Vista Home Entertainment/Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment (2010)
Animals Around Me/Gallery
Animals Around Me/Videography
- This is the last appearance of Stella The Cat, Pavlov the Dog, Rooster, and 2nd Version of Neighton the Horse in PlaySoup form.
- On the back of the cover, Sierra Clark is telling a joke, but the scene is unused in this video.
- In the "Fun on the Pond" puppet show, Flip's croak was likely changed to a sound effect because the original version sounded like a cartoon frog sound done by Bill Weisbach.
- With this being the first Discovery Kit video, this is also the first Baby Einstein video to be released during the 2010's decade.
Compositions and a Song[]
- The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Op.57, Act I: The Tsar's Farewell and Departure, Rimsky-Korsakov (Opening Montage)
- Variation on Tsar's Farewell and Departure, Rimsky-Korsakov (Opening Titles)
- La Gioconda, Op. 9, Ponchielli (found in Numbers Nursery)
- 12 Contredanses for Orchestra, WoO 14 (Grove. 41, Bia. 295): Contradance No. 10 in C Major, Beethoven (Dog)
- 12 Contredanses for Orchestra, WoO 14 (Grove. 41, Bia. 295): Contradance No. 6 in C Major, Beethoven (Cat, About Animals Around Me)
- The Snow Maiden, Dance of the Birds, Rimsky-Korsakov (Bird)
- The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Op. 57, Flight of the Bumblebee, Rimsky-Korsakov (Bug)
- Capriccio Espagnol, Op. 34, Alborada, Rimsky-Korsakov (Bunny)
- 12 Contredanses for Orchestra, WoO 14 (Grove. 41, Bia. 295): Contradance No. 3 in D Major, Beethoven (Mouse)
- Sonata in E Major for Keyboard K. 380, Scarlatti (Frog)
- Canon & Gigue in D Major, I. Canon, Pachelbel (Duck)
- Old MacDonald Had a Farm, Nettlingham (Cow, Horse, Pig)
- Snowbird on the Ashbank, Traditional (Chicken) (found in Baby MacDonald)
- Capriccio Espagnol, Op. 34, Fandango, Rimsky-Korsakov (Closing Montage and Credits)
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