Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Andreas Sanchez, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Andreas Sanchez was a Mexican-American undercover IAA agent from Grand Theft Auto V. He pretends to be working with Steve Haines, Dave Norton, Michael De Santa, Trevor Phillips, and Franklin Clinton, when in actuality, he was possibly trying to bust all five of them. There’s also a possibility that he is good friends with Edward B. Fortune and Karen Daniels. He was born March 23, 1988 and died in September 2013 by being shot in the head by Steve Haines after he turned out to be spying on him as well. He is very similar to Jimmy Hernandez as he doesn't talk very much, both are of Mexican descent, and died at the age of 25. Michael and Trevor didn’t like him at all. Trevor teased him for being a Mexican and even made a border-crossing joke. Michael called him an “effing punk”. Out of the three criminals and two corrupt agents whom Agent Sanchez was “working with”, it is possible that Franklin was the most okay with him.
